Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, ripped The Philadelphia Inquirer today for not printing a $58,000 ad that would have called attention to the local district attorney's prosecution of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

"There are two scandals going on in Philadelphia, and both involve injustices done to the Catholic Church," Donohue said. "One is legal, and the other is journalistic."
"The legal scandal involves the prosecution of three Catholic priests, and one Catholic layman, in a case so incredible that it would be turned down as too fictional a script for a TV crime show," Donohue wrote. "The other involves the Philadelphia Inquirer's decision to keep the public in the dark about this case."
In a press release posted on the league's site, Donohue said the Inky refused to tell him why they decided not to run the ad.
"The statement that I wrote was submitted to the Philadelphia Inquirer on May 14, 2013; it was to run as a two-page ad on May 20," Donohue wrote. "On May 15, were were told that a decision was made by those 'at the top' not to run it; when we asked for an explanation, we were told there would be none."
"By turning down the ad, the newspaper forfeited $58,000, not an insignificant sum, especially for a paper that filed for bankruptcy in 2009," Donohue wrote. "It suggests that those 'at the top' would rather forego the money before ever disseminating a defense about the way three priests, and one Catholic layman, were treated in court."
A spokesperson for the newspaper could not be reached.
"One of the reasons why these Catholic men were treated so unjustly is the failure of the Philadelphia media, led by the Inquirer, to raise serious questions about what happened," Donohue wrote.
Last week, William K. Marimow, editor of the Inquirer, did not respond to a request for comment.
Donohue said the Inky hadn't heard the last of the Catholic League, or the controversy over the district attorney's prosecution of the archdiocese.
"The Inquirer can stop us from running this statement as an ad in its newspaper, but it cannot stop us from blanketing the print and electronic media in Philadelphia and Harrisburg," Donohue said. "Nor can it stop us from getting it into the hands of every parish in the Philadelphia Archdiocese. We are also going national with this story."
The headline of the proposed ad was, "Four Catholic Men Framed." In the text of the two-page ad, Donohue called the district attorney's prosecution of the church "one of the most outrageous miscarriages of justice ever witnessed."
In the ad, Donohue wrote that "three Catholic priests, and one Catholic layman, have been railroaded by an ambitious D.A. That the media have failed to report fully and accurately on this story is also a disgrace."
Donohue also says in the ad that he has called for a state investigation of the district attorney's office:
“Billy Doe” says it was the D.A.’s office that secured a civil attorney for him to sue the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. If so, it raises serious questions about an attorney referenced by the D.A.’s office who stands to make millions if his client prevails. I have asked the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to launch an investigation.
Wow! This is a story...I hope that the local tv stations (although a little slow)are aware of this in time for their 12 noon broadcast, or at some point.
ReplyDeleteBill Donohue from the Catholic League is the last man anyone would want as a spokesperson for the catholic Church in any way.
DeleteAs I posted in the previous blog Banned by the Inky your blogs are sounding repetitive.
ReplyDeleteI only wish I knew what is making Josie fall off her rocker for.
I would have rather read the Delaware Bay flounder report.
Although I will keep checking back to see if there is anything new.
Just more bull. Mutton dressed up as lamb. If this is a scandal, (the jury didn't seem to think so.) It's a set piece created by both sides for the benefit of the corporate Church. That's IF these charges you make are accurate. Which I doubt.
DeleteJim - any insight you have on the philadelphia trials is 3rd hand. you are a typical reader who believes what you read and all verdicts are correct. The hatred you have for the RCC and any person who wears a collar is evident and it is clear that your focus in life (along with dennis) is to trash these parties. Why not move your energies to helping 'true" victims and supporting those that have legitimate claims of child abuse. Not just those related to the rcc but all avenues, possibly start with the public schools in the state in which you live in.
DeleteI don't hate the Roman Catholic Church. I hate morons like you who say this truly dumb thing: "and any person who wears a collar".
DeleteHave you completely lost your mind? Everybody wears a collar including lots of dogs and cats. I hate everybody because I don't buy the Philly show?
It's dip shit reasoning like this that hasn't won me to your side.
I was raped at Catholic school. I'll stick to where I was hurt. Let those hurt at public schools help themselves. I'm supportive but I've my own fish to fry.
Forget the local media in Philadelphia, particularly the print media, they are on life support. You can also forget going to the US Justice department for an investigation of this clergy witchhunt, one of the key players on the DA's prosecutorial team just reaped the benefits of these convictions with a job in the "public integrity" area of the US Attorney's office,I seriously doubt there's any opportunity for public scrutiny of what occurred on these prosecutions on the federal level. The best opportunity rests with the state of Pennsylvania Attorney's General's office.
ReplyDeleteThis is not an ad. It's a 2,000 word editorial. Surely Ralph knows this. No one gets to pay a newspaper a ton of money to force the editor to run a two-page editorial. You don't get to call anything an ad and try to bully an editor into printing it. Offering $58,000 and demanding publication sounds a bit like a bribe. Donohue does this with newspapers all the time. And is constantly ignored. The Inquirer shouldn't ignore it. They should expose it and inquire as to whether the Catholic Church sanctions these tactics.
ReplyDeleteWow, where do I start? He didn't offer them $58,000 and demand publication, he played by their rules, and took out an ad and was going to pay their rates. Newspapers run ads all the time that trumpet one viewpoint or another that they don't agree with. I kind of miss the bullying part here since he was playing by their rules and they basically told him no, and you're not going to get an explanation.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the Inky going to expose here? Their own lack of reporting on the subject? Overlooking a state investigation into the DA's office?
TELL ME ONE LEGAL or EVEN MORAL thing wrong that the rag such as the Inquirer has done wrong and I will jump on your party wagon.
DeleteThis is the path that has taken to defend those in prison ?
I am shocked that some readers are making such a big deal about this. Once again Donahue and Ralph trying to add color to a black and white issue.
The story is dead.
All this does is show you where the inquirer's allegiances lie - with the DA's office and the city of Philadelphia. Talk about selective journalism.
DeleteWhy would anyone want to use Bill Donohue as representative of anything Catholic? Ralph,,,,,There is no better form of anti-catholicism in the media today than to allow Bill Donohue speak for the Catholic Church - You have to know that.
DeleteThe last time I checked he was speaking on behalf of the Catholic League, not the church.
DeleteIt is not in any way an advertisement. It is an editorial disguised as an "ad". In fact, it looks like if the editorial/"ad" had run, it would have made no mention of the Catholic League and would have given no indication as to who placed the "ad". At least, there's no indication in the text that this blog printed. I'm curious as to how Donohue was going to sign this "ad" or maybe just say "an advertisement by the Catholic League." In any event, there's no way a major newspaper could ever run with this editorial/ad.
DeleteThe ad is signed by Bill Donohue, has the Catholic League name and address and phone/fax number. Furthermore, Mr. Donohue is not ignored by newspapers as you say. Only 2 out of 55 ads were rejected before this one. These are facts, OK? Got it?
You got to be kidding. No one takes Bill the Bully Donahue seriously.
ReplyDeleteWow is right! How can one individual get it so wrong ALL the time?? Sarah, do you read newspapers? Do you know anything about...umm...anything? You don't "bribe" a newspaper. The Catholic Church doesn't sanction "tactics" of the Catholic League. Why do you constantly misunderstand so that you can just show what an anti-catholic bigot you are? It really serves no purpose. It just makes you look pathetically ignorant.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteDennis, you're going to be censored every time you personally attack somebody on this blog in a crude and vulgar fashion. You'd think you'd know that by now. Try and make your points without going there.
Delete"Pathetically ignorant" isn't a personal attack against Sarah by Josie, Ralph? "anti Catholic bigot" as said by Josie isn't a personal attack?
DeleteI gave the Exact same example. What is funny here is my comment was approved and posted for sometime before being removed most likely by Ralph because he received an e-mail from someone saying her feelings got hurt.
DeleteOnly because I made a comment that I would be able to see that individuals face when Chaput smiled.
Ralph needs to look up the words bigot or ignorant before ever being able to call someone crude or vulgar.
You can't explain away this censorship you state you so much hate to do !!
Guess what, Dennis? I have never bothered to get Ralph's email and what's more I have a life that is quite busy-did not even see your apparently crude and vulgar comment. Furthermore, I would have cried to Ralph that my feelings were hurt. That's is the way emotionally immature people handle things. You may be used to bombarding people with annoying emails, demanding this and feeling all victim-like all the time. Most don't do that. I truly just pity you.
DeleteIf you didn't see Dennis' post Josie how do you know it was "crude and vulgar"?
DeleteAnd Josie don't "just pity" Dennis "just pity" yourself for your inability to reason and to be fair.
Heh, Jim...I knew Dennis' comment was "crude and vulgar" according to Ralph's reason for removing it. Look at comment May 20. Gee, even Dennis got it, I think...You really can't refrain from commenting about everything, and you do so without reading and following the sequence of things. But how could you possibly be all over the place, composing your nasty stuff too. I pity you, too, probably more than I pity Dennis. He at least seems to be as happy as a clam in his small world. Whatever..
DeleteHi Josie, thanks for your pity.
DeleteI think Bill Donahue is the worst spokesman for anything, or anybody... let alone the Catholic Church. He would spend the parishioners money($58,000) on defending pedophles and sexual abusers, clerical deviates, even the devil would wonder about..
ReplyDeleteThe news paper has scruples and has every right to execute their ideals.
DeleteIf you would take the time to read the excellent work that Ralph has done, even you would undoubtedly come to the conclusion that these 4 innocent men have been jailed on the uncorroborated and essentially inconsistent testimony of a junkie who has been given special treatment by the DA's office for political gain.
Why not take off your blinders and be illuminated by the truth. This is yet another single victim / multiple perp case that just doesn't pass the 'red face test'.
Bill Donohue is just trying to right this wrong.
Glory, Buffalo Bill Donahue is paid $400,000 a year to push the conservative Catholic heirarchs political line.
DeleteOh no Josie the Catholic Church doesn't sanction the Catholic League. What's $400,000 a gratuity?
jim robertson = profound thinker
DeleteSounds lie you don't read much Josie. The catholic church is constantly sanctioning the actions of the catholic league. Many diocese of the us fund the catholic league. Um your comments make you look ignorant.
ReplyDeleteWhat catholic Church??? I have called both Camden and Philadelphia - they answer is still the same,,,, "he does not speak for or represent the Catholic Church, so we can't ask him to stop." The only time anyone from the church mentions Bill Donohue is when they take a POLITICAL Stance.
DeleteAmazing how 'bill donohue' talks about 'injustice' without mentioning "Victims of Abuse' or the enablers and abusers themselves. The rcc is very adept at 'fraudulent concealment'. The Victims and their Families played by the church's rules and look what happened !
ReplyDeleteThank you Arthur, thank you.
DeleteYou've told the truth so clearly.
More whining and snivelling. Now the media is incompetent because they didn't assist the defense! The media is to blame becuase the defense attorneys failed miserably in their efforts to defend their "clients" of the sexual abuse charges which resulted in convictions all around. One of these "men of God" tried to committ suicide when his deeds were about to be exposed to the world. Was that attempted suicide also the "media's" fault?
ReplyDeleteI do not see any whining regarding the media rather calling them out over their silence. Inquirer was all over the gosnell case cause it was an easy win for the prosecution. Also interesting that multiple jurors went public to give their opinion if the trial and verdict. Remember the shocked look on Williams' face when the jury delivered their verdict. He too was surprised and it is interesting that he, the jurors and all other media outlets have remained quiet in the past few months when they I would bet along with Ralph were represented in the courtroom during the trials. Unlike Ralph they report to individual's who are only worried about the financials of the organization they are running and in this day if social media and easy access to information they cannot afford to lose customers or subscribers
DeleteThat's my question. How can they completely ignore the fact that one of these four men attempted suicide to avoid arrest. A second one pled guilty. A third one, the Monsignor, gave testimony on the witness stand which was "rife with inconsistencies" as reported by several media outlets. How can they possibly ignore all these things and end up totally blaming the victim who's the only one who has reason to have inconsistencies since he was a child being manhandled. It's the adults in this case whose behavior was atrocious and completely inexplicable.
DeleteOnce again you show your blindness to the facts of the case. Remember billy doe's parents. Yes the police office father and mother who was a nurse. They didn't see any change in his behavior when he says the alleged assaults occurred. What adult would go after the son of an officer. Not too many and I would bet not three separate individuals over a two year period. Now he mother who should know her son the best says nothing changed with his behavior until he got to high school. So for three years in grade school his demeanor never changed, yet he had all these problems we are led to believe. This is the same person who cannot stay clean and came to a point in his life where he needed an excuse for his choices, yes his choices, that he made in life. The financial burden and embarrassment he has been on his parents and family is something that has never been brought up. Think about this - do you really think billy doe is sober today? Do you think or believe he has stopped using drugs?
DeleteThe absolute blindest people who comment on this blog are the so-called "victims advocates." As far as they're concerned, the sky is green. They see everything through the tiny lens of their victimization story-line. They are trapped in a bubble. Whenever reality intrudes, they are confused, and their comments show their minds are mush.
DeleteAnonymous @9:16pm, SarahTX2 is not interested in fairness, only in smearing the Church and depicting all its clergy as evil. She is an anti-Catholic bigot. She spreads misinformation and seeks to distort facts here and on other sites.
DeleteAnother of the many miscarriages of justice which she actively supports is that of Father MacRae. The case is as absurd as the Philly Farce. That MacRae has spent so long behind bars is a disgrace. And SarahSNAP is desperate that he should remain there. See her comments here (her name is Sarah Kleman):
"Nobody would plead guilty to molesting children if they didn't do it and if there was nothing to gain by it. This article doesn't make any sense. She's defending a guy who admitted to it several times." Ah, so if he said he didn't do it then he would walk free, right?
Ralph, do you see a problem with Justone's comments about me? If you don't, does the law firm see a problem with it?
DeleteThe statements I made are fact. One did attempt suicide. One did plead guilty. And one did have major inconsistencies on the witness stand.
Is your law firm promoting the intimidation of those who state facts?
Deletejustone1618 would not know a fact if it came up and bit him/her. ( )! This is nothing new, it was the same way during the Lynn and Avery trial. As June 12th nears it will get worse . A desperate attempt to defame you or anyone else they can.
However on June 13th that individual along with many others will cease to exist, and justone1618 will most likely return to yelling at kids who play in front of his house.
Enjoy the holiday Sarah.
Just STONE, how you live up to your chilling nom d' plume.
DeleteSarah is none of the things you've called her.
She may very well be an active RC member who sees her loyalty to the victims as the proper way to act on her faith beliefs. Yet you insult, defame and mock her for what reason? If you believe your side correct, do you really need attack tactics?
When has being Pro-Catholic become being Pro-pedophile?
Is that what your religious faith has come to?
Have you truly lost your mind?
Look in the mirror with that last comment
DeleteGreat job, Bill D and Ralph - eliciting much oinking and squealing above, to my mirth.
ReplyDeleteGood article here by way of background to the Philly Farce:
"OINKING and SQUEALING"? What a great group of people you've attracted and posted here, Ralph.
DeleteThe only swine I see rutting through the muck (a euphemism) is you Just STONE.
I believe that there will be a general election for the Philadelphia DA this coming November. This topic may well surface in debates between the incumbent and the contenders.
ReplyDeletePerhaps then the 'Inky' will cover it....I hope so!
Ralph, Thanks for your excellent journalism. Evidently the Inky no longer adheres to journalistic ethics, but has become a political action organization that is an arm of the DA's reelection campaign. With the Inky's refusal of the Catholic League ad--overt censorship--why isn't this being brought to the attention of the ACLU? Shouldn't someone reach out to the ACLU to get it involved too?
ReplyDeleteIn a spirit of friendly collaboration, I would like to assist the Philadelphia Non-Inquirer with some editorial suggestions to help it in its imminent coverage of this scandal .... and its unraveling:
ReplyDeletePhilly Farce Frames Four! ......
DA's case is DOA!.......
Billy Dope losing Hope!.....
Philadelphia Freedom for Framed Four!
When you look at this topic's issue (non-publication of Catholic League advertisement) in light of the totality of the children sexual abuse crisis, both within religious institutions and in other public forums as well, the concern really is not that significant.
ReplyDeleteCertainly, for those who feel and/or believe that the recent criminal trial and other proceedings were unfair and unjust, then access any available avenue of redress or review that is available. Outside of the appeals process, there is little else available.....the filing of a complaint with the Disciplinary Board is really a joke and waste of time.
Ralph, why not start a topic on the feckless leadership of the PA House Judiciary Committee where important legislative proposals that would help PA children have languished for several years?
Ralph won't do it because he won't be paid to do it, like he is here.
DeleteSounds like the Inky didn't want to do anything to influence the appeal being filed by printing the advertisement disquised as an editorial. To appear to be neutral and let the appellate process work looks much better than to drop gasoline on a fire to explode the flames out to everybody's attention and end up offending alleged victims of abuse appears to be the Inky's way of thinking. Very last thing you want to do is to attract abuse victims to speak in front of the media especially when you know the case of Billy Doe is full of holes. Smart to let sleeping dogs lie quietly until the appellate court rules in favor of the defense and releases Msgr Lynn and the others.
ReplyDeleteThe complete incompetence of Seth Williams and his office can be summed up as they took Billy Doe's multiple & changing stories as "gospel" and dismissed the alleged changing stories of accusers of Richard DeCoatsworth, who now sits in jail on $60M bail
ReplyDeleteWhat I would like to know is this.....
ReplyDeleteWhy, on the Catholic League website, is there no opportunity for readers and viewers to comment on the issues being presented by William Donohue?
Ralph, the next time you communicate with Mr. Donohue, maybe you can find out why his organization does not allow feedback or comment.
Why not use the contact us link on the website and ask bill yourself?
DeleteBecause Donahue is so universally hated by anyone who hears his rant.
DeleteFree speech is anathama to religions rule.
Actually, I did use the contact us link and write to Donohue several years ago. He wrote back to me that he investigated me and discovered that I'm a nobody so he's not worried about me. At the time I thought it was just the remark of a coward. I can't tell you how surprising it is to find out that this coward may well be getting props from the Catholic Church now. I would have never believed a decade ago that the Catholic Church would embrace this man seeking only to enrich himself off the tax-exempt status. Wonders never cease.
DeleteSarah, I can relate, I never thought the DA would embrace the overly troubled Billy Doe As the only witness against innocent men!
DeleteSarah you are no nobody; to be insulted by a bully like Donahue is an honor, a badge of courage and decency.
DeleteThe Philadelphia Farce. The latest manifestation of a shameful period in US history which proves that nothing was learned from that other shameful period in US history, to which it bears an uncanny resemblance, the Salem Witch Trials.
ReplyDeleteFree the Philadelphia Four!!
I agree ... Free the Philly Four!
DeleteSeth Williams is best served by those reposing in their graves at Laurel Hill Cemetery. Dead people do not speak to support or oppose you and will simply accept every word you say.
Incredibly shocking to have a DA disregard free advice proffered by well educated lawyer colleagues in the DA's office to look long and hard at the ridiculous ramblings of Billy Doe. Instead, he took an incredible risk to let Billy Doe help him put four people in jail based on trumped up charges. Had it not been for Judge Sarmina, none of the four would be sitting in jail.
Shocking, yes, especially when Seth has a law degree and is the DA! A first year law student wouldn't even think of making such a blunder.
Does anyone know there's an election this year for district attorney? And that Seth has a political opponent? If the opponent raises this as a campaign issue, even the Inquirer with its blinders on and head in the sand will have to cover it.
ReplyDelete@anonymous 9:39
DeleteCheck this out:
Danny Alvarez - a republican - is running against Williams. We should all encourage him and his staffers to make good use of the information on this blog (and the Supreme Court investigations) in his campaign.
Great idea! Seth can duck the blog, and duck the National Catholic Reporter, but he can't duck his opponent in a November election! Maybe even the pathetic Inquirer will have to write about it.
DeleteWe should also encourage the Philadelphia newspapers and talk radio stations to host debates as a run up to the election. APhiladelphians have a right to know who's protecting them and how.
A relevant discussion point might be the 'mission statement' on the DA's website, viz: -
'The Philadelphia District Attorney's Office provides a voice for victims of crime and protects the community through zealous, ETHICAL and EFFECTIVE INVESTIGATIONS and prosecutions.'
Emphasis added.
justone1618May 15, 2013 at 11:06 PM
ReplyDelete....Bill Donohue performs a very valuable role for Catholics of good faith in the US. He is an articulate, intelligent person for whom I have the greatest admiration.....
This fine quote by justone1618 is a gem.......for all on this blog, it starts our Memorial Day weekend with a big laugh and smile.
"Free the Philly Four"
ReplyDeleteSure. Our justice system will do just that once they serve their time in prison.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
ReplyDeleteFree the Philly Four!
Innocent until proven guilty.
Free the Philly Four!
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Free the Philly Four!
Dennis, you're doing great.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Ralph Cipriano ?
ReplyDeleteIt is odd that we have not even heard from him with a comment or new blog since Donahue adding his two cents. It is rare that Cipriano goes this long without a new posting.
Has he taken that luxury that is afforded to him and people like justone1618, Josie bailey, and james who can shut their keyboards off and walk away. While survivors may live the hell they experienced again and again ?
Has he realized being the leader of the followers of the guilty he has played his hand ?
I personally do not care if Ralph ever writes one more word about this subject, and it is mainly curiosity why I write this.
But has Ralph decided not even to wait for the June 13th date with the rest of you, when you will be able to put this blog behind you ?
Dennis where were you or where will you be after Ralph exits your life? Still complaining to deaf ears why your angry at the world and everyone catholic priest is a guilty man. Besides this blog and other sites where the Philly trials have been well represented for the injustice that occurred, what else are you doing to protect children or form support groups for people like yourselves? Or is it the removal of the SOL that you are waitjng for to get that check from the archdiocese. I'm sure I speak for a lot of people on this blog who wish you would disappear, oh wait you've never attended the trials in person. All you have is the garbage written in the newspapers and Seth Williams' faulty grand jury report. What you owe Ralph is an apology for trying to intice him into one of your childish games.
DeleteYou are in this fantasy world of games and such that no one else is in. You can't possibly expect adult people to agree with you. I think maybe you could write children's stories of make believe, etc. You say that you write asking where Ralph is (why....?)out of "curiosity". The truth is that you need something else to do. You seem to want to control when people answer your musings, etc. You demand answers from letters and emails. People may not want to respond, they have just plain given up, or they don't have time. Your agenda and free time is excessive!!!
I'm an "adult" Josie and I agree with Dennis. Looks like you're wrong....again.
DeleteAre you as clouded in your thinking as I hate to think you are ? Are you afraid to come to the fact that all your comments and all your name calling has done NOTHING to help those guilty individuals sitting in prison ?
Are you angry at the fact that a "drug addict" most likely caused by the abuse he suffered at the hands of your precious clergy has brought them down, was believed by a jury of 12, and the majority of the citizens of this city and country ?
Are you angry at the thought that the actions of the clergy, not only in this city but around the world will cost your precious church even more millions of dollars because of the crimes they have done to children or are you angry at the thought that the church will really not be paying out a dime, but YOU the parishioner who drops that $5.00 or $10.00 in the basket every week ? Every abused child by the clergy thanks you for having those bottomless pockets.
Or, is it you have also asked yourself where is Ralph Cipriano. ? I as a human being with a heart do hope that Ralph is not ill or there is no emergency in his family, but it would be O.K. Josie to think you have been betrayed or abandoned by the individual who has been the voice of the guilty like yourself.
I have even thought with only 10 more days left before 2 individuals learn their fate for what might cost them decades in prison for what they have done to a child, I thought there would be more of a fight to proclaim their innocence. I DON"T SEE IT !
Josie, in closing I would like to say the truth sometimes does hurt. You WILL have to accept that your priests, archbishops, bishops, and even the pope are nothing more than ordinary men who were given free thought to choose between right and wrong and it is very sad the same people that you put trust into and those who I use to put trust into have decided to do wrong and it is time to pay the piper.
--Clouded? No, very knowledgeable.
Delete--Afraid? Nope, Not at all and No(covers 3 are you afraid questions your first 3 paragraphs)
--No, I have not asked myself where Ralph is and have not created scenarios where he may or not be ok. And why and by whom would I feel "betrayed or abandoned"?????Your IMAGINATION goes a little wild all the time.
You are delighting, like a little boy, at the prospect of 2 men (who were never presumed innocent, by the way..and more likely than not ARE innocent) being sentenced in upcoming week. That is just sick. I have no idea what your last paragraph means period. I can pick up on the fact that you want a check, though!
P.S. Parishioners do not put $5 and $10 in the collection anymore. That is a very low amount, more like what students might put in the weekly collection. And that't the truth from good authority.
Anonymous - Ralph has never entered my life. Like you and some other people on this blog, Ralph was a tool that served a purpose. I was able to clearly show others what they could possibly face with the strength to come forward. I thank you and the others for allowing your true colors to shine through, you served your purpose well.
ReplyDeleteNow you may feel that you speak for a lot of people on this blog who wish I would disappear, and you maybe telling the truth, but remember this I never asked to return to this blog after my so-called lifetime ban, I was asked by Ralph Cipriano to return quoting "lets have some fun". Fact is I questioned Ralph Cipriano if he had thought that offer through, naming YOU (Anonymous) directly if you would feel that Ralph has let you down. Now by your comment it seems that he has.
Like I said before I'm back, and if you don't like what I have to say don't read it or comment on it, and please do not hold your breath waiting for that apology for Ralph
Solid post, Anonymous 7:47pm.
ReplyDeleteFor some entertainment, dear readers, can I suggest a little trip over to, where SNAP's reputation is well and truly consigned to the gutter. A story oozing with hypocrisy, corruption and mendacity. Not unlike the great Philadelphia Farce really.
Just a morsel to whet your appetites:
"Barbara Blaine and David Clohessy should now publicly apologize for their secret, hypocritical acts. And if they are unwilling to conduct themselves by the same standards to which they hold others, then they should both resign."
Stoney End,
DeleteAs far as SNAP's reputation being consigned to the gutter. Mission Accomplished for them. It's not SNAP's rep that matters it's the victims SNAP pretends to represent who are being injured by SNAP's consistently hypocritical behavior.
That is what SNAP was built to do. Make victims look bad. Built by and for the Church.
Just think about it the only victories the Church has won in this entire scandal have been handed them on a platter by SNAP.
With "friends" like SNAP who needs ....etc.
If Donahue is so dedicated to the Catholic Church he could have used the $58,000 maybe for this :
ReplyDeletePosted june 2, 2013 Inquirer
Johnathan Lai
More church closings - and anguish - in region
effort to cut costs and achieve greater efficiencies in light of declining membership.
Additional mergers are likely, with more parishes due to be reviewed this fall, the archdiocese said.
"We have done everything that the archdiocese has asked us to do. . . . We followed the PPA process and now they want to close us," Kuvik said. "We are confused and have many questions, which we seem to not be able to get answered. We have reached out but no one will meet with us. We are the church - our voices need to be heard and our thoughts need to be respected and valued."
Jury sides with teacher fired by Catholic school after artificial insemination.
ReplyDeleteA Roman Catholic archdiocese in Ohio must pay nearly $200,000 to a teacher who alleged she was fired after school officials learned she became pregnant through artificial insemination, a federal jury decided on Monday.
Are we going to hear from BIG BAD BILLY ?
As Hilary says "What difference does it make?". Dennis, it sure is apparent that you delight, like a little boy, when you think you are winning some kind of battle against the Church. This forum, as I understand it, is not about your agenda.
DeleteYou should be happy that the publisher is so tolerant as to not instruct you on the appropriateness if your comments. What is the purpose in posting part of the Inquirer column when it is easily accessed online by most people. Yes, the print circulation is way down for a large city newspaper. But, more importantly, the Church mergers have been discussed for a long time.Active Catholics are aware. The situation is not unlike other denominations that are selling their city churches; and public schools closing in the city. The picture is rather large for you to simplify. There are TOO MANY parishes for the number of parishioners(even in Delaware Cty-these churches are only a mile from each other. The national parishes have low population, not like when they were built by immigrants many years ago. There are many reasons for the mergers. But you are not in the you throw up a piece of article. What is your point? People have this news. And I don't think that silly bashing of Bill Donohue has anything to do with anything either. Your have been reduced to just another CATHOLIC HATER.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you see in my most recent posts that are inappropriate ? What I am doing is telling the truth compared to your lies and sugar coating that you are telling people. You would like people to think because catholics are aware of a problem they must accept it. Please re-read the last paragraph from my comment on 6/2/13 at 9:09. " We are the church - our voices need to be heard and our thoughts need to be respected and valued." This quote was from a fellow catholic of yours who feels the catholic church disrespects its own parishioners no matter how I feel about the church.
My comment on 6/3/13 at 8:49 once again shows the public or anyone who reads this blog that the days of the catholic church being able to BULLY anyone who does not have the same thoughts or ideas of the church ARE OVER !