for Bigtrial.net
There's an unexplained mystery in the arrest of Father Robert L. Brennan.
The alleged victim in the case came forward in January 2013 to charge that between 1998 and 2001, when he was 11 to 14 years old, he was an altar boy sexually assaulted by Father Brennan. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia immediately reported the allegation to the district attorney's office. Yet, District Attorney Seth Williams waited eight months to arrest Father Brennan on Sept. 25th.
Yesterday, Brennan's lawyer, Trevan Borum, a former Philadelphia assistant district attorney, asked why.
"If the allegation was credible, why does it take nine months?" said Borum, who likened the case to Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. "I've had no explanation whatsoever. I don't know what on earth took them so long."
For the past nine months, District Attorney Seth Williams has stonewalled questions from this reporter. So sadly, someone else in the all-too compliant local media will have to ask the D.A. to explain the eight-month gap in the record on Father Brennan.
All I can do is post the question publicly. So here goes: If Father Brennan was such a menace to society, as the D.A. contends, why wasn't he taken off the streets immediately?
On Sept. 26th, when he announced the arrest of Father Brennan, D.A. Williams referred to a "lengthy subsequent investigation." He provided no further details.
Then last week, D.A. Willliams told reporters the victim in the case, now 26, had been found dead by detectives. The D.A. blamed Father Brennan for the tragedy.
"The decades-long demons and scars the victim in this case endured ended this weekend, when he was found dead by Philadelphia police detectives," Williams said. "This young man's courage should serve as an inspiration to us all."
The medical examiner's office told reporters the alleged victim had died from an accidental drug overdose. The victim's lawyer amplified on the spin emanating from the D.A.'s office.
"He was a wonderful young man doing everything he possibly could to pull himself out of the darkness," Marci Hamillton told reporters.
Borum had a different take.
"Now, we don't have a chance to vindicate Father Brennan in court," he said. It's like his client has a scarlet letter sewn on his chest.
Meanwhile, even in death, the alleged victim still wears a cloak of anonymity.
Anyone see a problem?
Borum said he had no idea what other evidence the D.A. had against Father Brennan, besides the allegations of the alleged victim, now dead.
"Without benefit of discovery, I don't know if they have any additional evidence," Borum said. "They know what the evidence is. I don't. I'm in the dark."
The alleged victim in the Father Brennan case came forward six months after a jury convicted Msgr. William J. Lynn of endangering the welfare of a child. The D.A. said the victim was inspired by the Lynn verdict.
Sorry, but Billy Doe just doesn't inspire me.
Father Brennan, a 75-year-old retired priest living in Maryland, was a known abuser with 20 previous alleged victims. D.A. Williams charged Brennan with rape, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and aggravated indecent assault.
The altar boy was allegedly assaulted at Resurrection of Our Lord Parish in Northeast Philadelphia, where Father Brennan served as assistant pastor. The crimes, according to the D.A., supposedly took place in the church sacristy, the priest's bedroom in the church rectory, a storage area on parish property, and in a movie theater.
Sounds like a rerun of the Billy Doe story. But was it true?
Sounds like a rerun of the Billy Doe story. But was it true?
Father Brennan was jailed and bail set at $1 million. Borum subsequently filed a bail reduction motion that was granted. Bail was reduced to $50,000. Father Brennan is now out of jail and living in Maryland.
Asked if his client posed a danger to society, Borum replied, "absolutely not."
"He's had stent implant surgery," Borum said, and the priest suffers from cardiovascular disease and hypertension. "He's on a lot of medication," Borum said. "He's no threat to anyone."
There may not be a valid law enforcement reason to wait 8 months to arrest a predator priest, but there may be a political reason.
While the arrest of Father Brennan was on the shelf, Msgr. Lynn's appeal was being mulled over in Superior Court. Nine days after a panel of justices questioned the validity of the prosecution of Msgr. Lynn, D.A. Williams held a press conference to announce the arrest of Father Brennan. Williams used that press conference as a platform to make a political hit on Msgr. Lynn.
The D.A. claimed that in the Father Brennan case, Lynn was responsible for endangering the welfare of a child. But the D.A. said he couldn't prosecute Lynn because the case missed the statute of limitations by 3 months.
This was a bogus argument, as the D.A. in a similar case, had prosecuted Lynn for the exact same offense, endangering the welfare of a child, even though that case missed the statute of limitations by 9 years.
Lynn's defense lawyer then publicly rebuked Williams, and said he had filed an ethical complaint.
There may not be a valid law enforcement reason to wait 8 months to arrest a predator priest, but there may be a political reason.
While the arrest of Father Brennan was on the shelf, Msgr. Lynn's appeal was being mulled over in Superior Court. Nine days after a panel of justices questioned the validity of the prosecution of Msgr. Lynn, D.A. Williams held a press conference to announce the arrest of Father Brennan. Williams used that press conference as a platform to make a political hit on Msgr. Lynn.
The D.A. claimed that in the Father Brennan case, Lynn was responsible for endangering the welfare of a child. But the D.A. said he couldn't prosecute Lynn because the case missed the statute of limitations by 3 months.
This was a bogus argument, as the D.A. in a similar case, had prosecuted Lynn for the exact same offense, endangering the welfare of a child, even though that case missed the statute of limitations by 9 years.
Lynn's defense lawyer then publicly rebuked Williams, and said he had filed an ethical complaint.
Borum had one other question. He asked why the Archdiocese of Philadelphia had never notified his client of the allegations against him. Borum said Father Brennan only learned of the allegation the day he was arrested.
"I don't understand why they didn't notify him immediately," Borum said. "I'm in the dark right now."
The archdiocese's "policies for the protection of children and young people" say the archdiocese's "director of investigations "shall provide the accused cleric with information sufficient to enable the cleric to respond to the allegation." The polices also state that the director of investigations shall "promptly and objectively interview the accuser and the accused and other witnesses in accord with canonical practice, which includes committing the information to written form and allowing the person interviewed to review, edit and sign what has been committed to writing."
In the case of Father Robert L. Brennan, none of that was done. In response, the archdiocese issued a statement that sounded like it was drafted by a committee of lawyers:
"The Archdiocese of Philadelphia received the allegation of sexual abuse of a minor that led to the recent arrest of Father Robert Brennan in January of 2013, and immediately provided this information to law enforcement in accordance with Archdiocesan policy," wrote Kenneth A. Gavin, archdiocese director of communications, in an email.
"While the Archdiocese does have a responsibility to inform an accused cleric of an accusation so that he may respond in the course of a canonical investigation, our policy is to allow law enforcement to complete its criminal investigation prior to commencing a canonical investigation," Gavin wrote. "Prior to the allegation that led to his arrest, a process was already in place aimed at Father Brennan's laicization. It is currently in progress with the Holy See."
So, in other words, although the archdiocese's policies say priests should be notified of an accusation, and have a chance to respond, that goes out the window if the local D.A. is investigating, or if the church is already attempting to dump the priest?
Spokesman Gavin had no further comment.
In other news involving accused priests named Father Brennan, the trial of Father James J. Brennan has been postponed again.
"The Archdiocese of Philadelphia received the allegation of sexual abuse of a minor that led to the recent arrest of Father Robert Brennan in January of 2013, and immediately provided this information to law enforcement in accordance with Archdiocesan policy," wrote Kenneth A. Gavin, archdiocese director of communications, in an email.
"While the Archdiocese does have a responsibility to inform an accused cleric of an accusation so that he may respond in the course of a canonical investigation, our policy is to allow law enforcement to complete its criminal investigation prior to commencing a canonical investigation," Gavin wrote. "Prior to the allegation that led to his arrest, a process was already in place aimed at Father Brennan's laicization. It is currently in progress with the Holy See."
So, in other words, although the archdiocese's policies say priests should be notified of an accusation, and have a chance to respond, that goes out the window if the local D.A. is investigating, or if the church is already attempting to dump the priest?
Spokesman Gavin had no further comment.
In other news involving accused priests named Father Brennan, the trial of Father James J. Brennan has been postponed again.
Father James J. Brennan, no relation to Father Robert L. Brennan, was supposed to be re-tried beginning Monday in Common Pleas Court. Brennan went free last year after a jury deadlocked 11-1 in favor of acquittal on a charge of attempted rape of a 14-year old.
The case has been postponed until June 16 to give Father James J. Brennan's lawyer, William J. Brennan [no relation to either of the Father Brennans] more time to investigate.
The case is destined to be dropped as the decedent who died of a heroin overdose is not able to participate in the trial of Father Brennan as counsel is unable to question/depose the accuser.
ReplyDeleteWhy the DA took eight months to charge Father Brennan is way beyond comprehension as sexual assault case against a known perv would quickly result in the perv's immediate arrest if the police know where he lives. DA does not dawdle in such cases where the public safety is at risk. But this one is a headscratcher.
Best possible answer was the DA was too focused on obtaining convictions of a priest and a teacher based on Billy Doe's "testimony" and did not want a distraction by arresting Father Brennan in his Maryland home.
Another Seth Williams moment.
ReplyDeleteAny news on the Msgr Lynn appeal? Or updates on the Fr Englehart and Mr Shero appeals?
Hi Anonymous.
DeleteYou can check on the status of the Monsignor Lynn appeal by clicking on this link:
As of 1:30PM today (Tuesday), nothing was posted on his case. I have to wonder if the Superior Court Justices are also debating the politics and the decision timing (i.e. forthcoming November 2013 DA election).
Also, Judge Ceisler has yet to send to the Superior Court the trial record and her 'opinion'. This vital information was due on September 9th.
If you'll recollect, Judge Sarmina was close to 6 months late in her response and had to be 'compelled' by the Superior Court to provide it.
Kinda reminds one of the 'And Justice for All' picture with Al Pacino and jack Warden.
Thank you
DeleteWhy is Sarmina allowed to get away with her nonsense?
As a judge, Sarmina can do anything. She took 6 months to ensure Lynn stayed in prison 6 months. Ceisler will do the same thing - anything she can do to prolong the sentences, she will do.
DeleteWhen the case is decided in favor of Lynn, he will be released but not before serving a bit more than half of a three year prison sentence. Ditto the the priest and teacher in Ceisler's case. When this happens, then abuse victims will be satisfied that "justice" in their opinion was served.
Dirty business isn't it?
As a retired FBI Special Agent who served as the primary investigator for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia from 2003 to 2007 I have been drawn into the clergy abuse scandal more than I had wished. Along with other church officials I was previously civilly sued by an alleged victim of Father John Schmeer, even though the victim declined to assist me in this investigation and despite the fact that I was able to assist in removing Schmeer from active ministry. I have been subjected to appearing before two Philadelphia Grand Juries, had a bench warrant issued by the District Attorney's office forcing me to appear the second time and being forced to appear as a witness in the case of Rev. James Brennan. As a retrial of Brennan nears, I have reflected on my prior investigation into allegations by the alleged victim, Mark Bukowski and now conclude that his allegations of rape by Brennan have, over the years, been embellished as a way to justify his criminal behavior and drug use. As background, Bukowski's allegations came via an attorney his parents hired to consider a lawsuit against the Archdiocese. It was only after the civil attorney determined that the statue of limitations had expired that Bukowski and his parents agreed to be interviewed by me. His case was unique in that after an overnight stay at Brennan's apartment, he told his parents that something had happened but did not provide specific details. Other cases that I had investigated were based on allegations years after the abuse but in this case were alleged shortly after the incident. His parents were sufficiently concerned that they arranged a meeting at a local hotel with their long time friend and weekend drinking buddy, Brennan, who confirmed that something inappropriate happened with their son but he would have to tell them the details. I do feel that Brennan after using alcohol allowed Bukowski to view pornography on his computer and then suggested the two sleep in the same bed but I no longer believe Bukowski's claims first to the District Attorney's office and later in a civil filing against me and numerous church officials of being anally raped. As a parent, myself, had there been any suggestions of sexual abuse when the overnite stay occurred I would have questioned my son over and over until I found out all the details of the incident. I have to believe his parents did question Mark over the years and came up empty. Only after Bukowski continued to go in and out of rehab facilities that he came forward with the anal rape allegations. A second allegation made by Bukowski against Brennan occurred a few years later when his parents asked Brennan to allow Mark to do rectory yard work as part of his community service as part of his court sentence. He alleged that Brennan was masturbating in an outdoor shed and tried to induce Mark to come in. This allegation made no sense in 2008 and lacks any validity now. My point is that once you start to embellish your story any portions that might be true are now called into question. My theory now, and it is only a theory, is that Mark's mother, Pat and Brennan, both Irish, enjoyed partying around the kitchen table on the weekends and since they were around the same age, there might have been a physical attraction that Mark sensed. On one occasion, after the alleged initial incident when Brennan was in a Monestary Mark saw a letter addressed to Brennan and written by his mother which he ripped up. Again, this is only a personal theory since, at the time, my mission was not to investigate his parents, who did separate for a time. However, the District Attorney should have had the wherewithal to look closely into the alleged victim's motives.
Do you know when Danny Gallagher actually filed his civil suit against the archdiocese of Philadelphia, was it mid-2011 or mid-2012.....
Deletejohn jack rossiter the retired fbi agent ?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOne last thing and unrelated to this case is the convictions of two other priests and a schoolteacher based on allegations by another drug addict. In more than a hundred cases I investigated I uncovered no situation where a victim of abuse was passed from one abusive priest to another abusive priest and then an abusive teacher. Unless this victim had a tattoo on his forehead that read "abuse me" I can't comprehend an abuser discussing his abuse with other collegues and encouraging them to join in. I have personal knowledge of one of the convicted priests, Father Avery and, in my investigation of him, his abuse centered on teenagers not 9 years old kids.
ReplyDeleteThat's because those assaults never happened, this accuser had clout in the form of his uncle, #2 man in the FOP and his father being a police sergeant, aided by a DA whose sole purpose was to put a ranking archdiocese priest in jail, Mgsr Lynn, he couldn't get Bevilacqua etc so Lynn was the next best target........the shifting stories told from day 1 thru the conclusion of those trials by this drug addict/thief/drug dealer (would you believe four yes 4 recent arrests in Philadelphia of Danny Gallagher/Billly Doe have been dismissed/expunged etc by this DA during the period these accusations were being presented and the lives and reputations of the falsely accused priests and teacher were being systematically destroyed............
DeleteIt's a shame those investigators and retired investigators connected to this case don't have the courage to step forward to right this injustice......
And we have one of the ADA's in the Philly Inky accused of punching a friend in a bar located in the University of Pennsylvania area all over a childish offense tweet. Campus security let this slide. Seth will let it slide, too!
ReplyDeleteMany families do have private funerals of their deceased due to cost factors in having to pay for a large gathering at a local catering site. Sometimes it is privacy issue. Reason the heroin user victim's name will never be disclosed is due to the bullying climate we live in as his so called friends would have a good laugh at his expense. We have people with the personna of an air force fighter pilot and this aura of beign so perfect can rub on others the wrong way.
On a similar note, I've been asking for months now on this blog how Danny gallagher/aka Billy Doe could make 3 bizarre accusations JANUARY 30TH 2009, the archdiocese lawyer, Coyne, reported those assaults the next day to the PHILADELPHIA DA"S OFFICE involving Father Engelhardt (alleged 5 hour weekday assault in the sacristy that started"after the first mass of the day"), multiple assaults by Avery after bell choir practice in an area adjacent to the main altar (an absolute lie refuted by numerous st jerome teachers & administrators in open court in January) and the vicious assault he alleges by Bernard Shero in the school, later conveniently changed to a vicious assault in Shero's car in broad daylight, midafternoon in Pennypack Park.....and you are supposed to believe that the investigation of these crimes didn't start until JANUARY 21st, 2010, 9 days short of an entire year when DETECTIVE SNYDER retrieved Danny Gallagher from Graterford prison and he was interviewed in theDA"S office with his parents present (he's now of adult age mind you so that was an unusual interview tactic by Det. Snyder and ADA Sorenson (can't leave her out, she wrote the grand jury report to begin with).....
ReplyDeletethose mysterious lapses of time in this case and the other cases I can assure you, will never be explained...unless someone with enough courage steps forward with the truth about that timeframe.....I'm certain anyone with direct knowledge has been threatened so this house of lies doesn't unravel.......
Bottom line, Avery had a history and they used that as leverage to get him to plead to an assault against Danny Gallagher he didn't commit in exchange for a sweetheart deal( he got only 2 1/2 to 5 and the lies and deceit by the prosecutors in this city continued until every falsely accused priest and teacher was convicted and sent to jail............and those judges threw the book at those individuals......
Anonymous - -
DeleteYou're smack on!
Did anyone ever wonder why Sarmina never directly asked Avery if he 'did it'? This seems (to me) to be a reasonable and totally appropriate judicial question.
I think the reason that Sarmina never asked the (obvious) direct question is because she knew that Avery would have adamantly denied it, and this would probably have hampered the prosecution's ('historic') efforts to convict Monsignor Lynn.
There are undoubtedly honest folks within the DA's office who know exactly what happened. Let's pray that they can somehow find the courage to come forward.
Also, aside from the one 'fashionable barefoot juror' whom Ralph interviewed (post factum - there's that word again), not one of the Shero / Engelhardt jurors have come forward to explain how they could ignore mountains of reasonable doubt and glaring inconsistencies and convict these two innocent men.
Let's also pray that one of these folks can find it in his or her heart to break the ice.
I doubt it but I personally appreciate Ralph's recent article detailing the checkered history of Billy Doe/Danny G as he went thru those numerous rehab centers and revised his abuse stories with the help of the DA's office until they became more plausible to a judge and jury.
DeleteI find it particularly ironic that after fiing his lawsuit in 2011, he's then sent to a Phychologist in Elkins Park (perhaps by his DA recommended civil attorney, Slade McLaughlin) for dozens of "sessions" so that the mental health aspect of his case is totally in place by the time the civil trial starts....Close your eyes, you can just smell the money ....or is it the stench from the railroading of innocent men into prison.....
I think another angle to the timing of the press conference on Brennan's arrest is that it came one day after the introduction of a second bill in the Pa. Senate (plus two in the house) opening a window on the statutes of limitations, for retroactive civil lawsuits. That cannot be a coincidence. Reality is, every step in this story has a political calculation mostly tied to the SOL because so much lawsuit money is potentially available.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - thanks for your candor. I would assume that you'll be a defense witness in the 2014 Father Jim Brennan trial.
ReplyDeleteLooks like these 'rehab facilities' are fertile grounds for concocted sexual abuse tales......
Ralph, I have not stopped reading your stuff. Thanks for your thorough and thought provoking reporting.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading all, including the comments, it seems that no one really gives a shit about actual victims, most of all the DA. With the Billy Doe case, the DA seemed to use and abuse him as much as he alleged the priests did. They used him and his sketchy testimony to prosecute the priests for their past crimes.
The most recent case against Fr. Brennan (of MD) also seems like another priest the Archdiocese handed over to the DA because he was guilty of past rapes and molestations and they were finished with him anyway. Now a young man is dead, due to a drug overdose and the truth dies with him. The conspiracy theorists on both sides using his death as proof of their theory. One side saying 'See, he was just another drug addict looking for a payday.' and the other side saying 'See he was just another victim driven to suicide by the evil Archdiocese.'
So the DA and the Archdiocese are working together but no one is working to help the actual victims of priests, mostly because it won't benefit the DA or the Archdiocese. If the DA can't get anything - i.e. a case within the statute of limitations - and the Archdiocese can't get anything - i.e. someone to come forward and admit they lied about being abused or a way to keep the flock in the dark - then nothing will be done by these organizations.
In my humble opinion, the Archdiocese sacrificed the priests that were problems for years, and they used Lynne to be the scapegoat so the DA could have it's day, proven by the fact that in the Lynne case, the DA did not touch the Bishops that were really in charge. It was easy to go after the doughy, timid Lynne.
The abused, and there are many, whom I know and have talked to, who do not want anything but to heal and prevent others from being hurt. They are caught between wanting to remain private and wanting to prevent further abuses. The truth is somewhere in the middle and since the middle is a boring and does not prove either extreme, no one give shit. Just my 2 cents. Thanks for reporting, Ralph.
O - what priests (names) did the archdiocese sacrifice that were problems for years?
DeleteChildren are better protected than they were decades ago. Opportunities for abuse have been squelched. Boundary issues crystal clear clarified and children protected tightly like a shield. Too many civiilians, including parental, teaching and volunteer witnesses around for a priest to abuse a kid. Plus, Archdiocese very willing to turn over abuse creator to the police at a drop of the hat.
DeleteDA prosecutes not only church abuse cases but homicide and sexual assault cases as well. They scope each case looking for strong and credible evidence in order to make an arrest and they are always looking for those who have evaded arrest. Whenever possible, evidence presented to grand jury to indict and trials are held. Guilty ones sentenced to prison terms. Innocent ones freed. That is how the DA works.
Is this James Gallagher jr.?
DeleteJames J Brennan, Robert Brennan, John Reardon (I wouldn't be surprised if a more recent allegation comes about against Reardon), Ed Avery, Charles Engelhart. The Philadelphia Archdiocese website has a link to their priests who they deem to have credible allegations against them. http://archphila.org/delegate/delegate.html
Sounds to me like inside information. also, from what i recall reading engelhardt is not an archdiocesan priest. quick look on the site proved that.
Deletewhat else are you going to say - that sean mcilmail and danny gallagher aren't in this only for the money.....
To Anonymous, no, this is not James Gallagher Jr.
ReplyDeleteTo Momma O and James/Gallagher Jr above....the archdiocese website will never have any accurate information concerning any credible accusation/allegation against Fr Engelhardt as there is "none" and that includes DANNY GALLAGHER, the consumate con artist.....>>in the interest of having additional skeletons brought out of the closet from those archived files, tthis ARCHDIOCESE allowed those defendants to fry at the hands of this DA, including Monsignor Lynn, who is an "archdiocesan priest"
DeleteJames, in particular, know what you are talking about or know something about the individuals themselves before you make a false statement linking Fr Engelhardt with the likes of Brennan and Avery........
and bottom line, anyone can make an allegation in this city against the clergy in this community, true or untrue, and this DA will make sure the podium is set up so he can make inflamatory statements without facts to back them up......the addicts are lining up as we speak......I wouldn't be surprised if the DA puts up a billboard on I-95 to solicit accusations against the clergy in this city.....
Quote of the day: when they say it isn't about the money, it usually is about the money....
I did not say Englehardt was like Avery and Brennan. He got caught in a deceitful web festooned by a drug addict contented with scoring a lottery jackpot against the Archdiocese.
DeleteDA is stuck between a rock and hard place. No guarantee of any new comers coming in and most of cases are dead because of SOL issues. Dead drug addict caused DA to release Fr Brennan from all charges. Plus DA faces the prospect of bad news issued on the Lynn appeal after the election is over.
Wouldn't want to be in his place.
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/catholic-church-considers-abuse-victims-as-troublemakers/story-e6frg6nf-1226747187997?sv=3907c3b4ae73e8fe0c1d1eb477a2821c .
ReplyDeleteOk , the Victims are the troublemakers ?
I am always astounded by the hate for the lying drug addicts juxtaposed with the seeking of justice for the poor falsely accused priests. Especially because these priests -who may have been falsely accused by these most recent lying drug addicts- do NOT have a clean past! And that is according to the Archdiocese itself! I really have a hard time having sympathy for men who have been accused for years, by a multitude of victims. You all seem to have such vitriol for Danny Gallagher. Yet the facts that are NOT disputed by Fr. Brennan himself that he spent evenings getting loaded with the minor and his mother spending a night in the SAME bed with a minor, letting him watch porn on his computer, etc., none of this is criminal, however it had to have really screwed up the kid! I don't think that excuses him to lie under oath, nor should the priest be prosecuted for something he did not do, but c'mon, Brennan is a scumbag. Anonymous you have also put Gallagher and Mcilmail in the same category as "in it for the money." Seems you have already made up your mind about a case that never even made it to trial because the witness is now deceased. Your generalizations of ALL accusers being liars is just as unjustified as the generalizations of ALL priests being pedophiles.
ReplyDeleteMommaO- are you getting your addicts mixed up? Mark Bukowski is the J. Brennan accuser. His parents were friendly with the priest accused. Furthermore, those that Daniel Gallagher accused, Fr. Engelhart as well as the accused teacher, Bernard Shero, have clean pasts.You need to catch up a bit on the bigtrial.net past entries
DeleteThanks Josie. You are correct, my mistake.
DeleteMomma O....
ReplyDeleteHatred for the lying drug addicts comes naturally, they CHOOSE to live their lives stealing and lying in order to get that next fix, that next high. Take a stroll along Kensington Avenue someday and see how those addicts live, from fix to fix and visualize the calculated way they lie to their families and friends, steal from their families and friends as well as people they don't know to feed those insatiable drug habits. I believe one counselor described Danny Gallagher as a "pathological liar", very appropriate...Momma, you should read Ralph's column about Dannys' checkered psychological history which is the subject of a strongarm legal maneuver by the DA recommended civil attorney for Danny Gallagher, Slade McLaughlin......very enlightening stuff.....
Not all addicts claiming abuse, were abused and not all priests, in particular Fr. Engelhardt are guilty of the crimes that he was accused and ultimately convicted of by those 12 jurors........
Father Engelhardt has finally been transferred to his destination prison which is a 2,000 bed, medium security facility in Upstate Pennsylvania.
ReplyDeleteIf you would like to send him a letter of support (his birthday is November 19th -- and this would be a Corporal Work of Mercy), his address is:
Charles Engelhardt - LB2015
c/o SCI Coal Township
#1 Kelley Drive
Coal Township, Pa. 17866 - 1020
Wonder if hallmark sells happy birthday child rapist cards ????
DeleteYou can have your funny guy/girl remark, but I assure you, whether you know Bam
DeleteGallagher or not, that you are more guilty of abusing Dan Gallagher than Fr Engelhardt is. Father did not know his accuser. Unfortunately, his assignment was at St Jerome Parish during Bam's time there.
Thanks for the info, Joe. Anybody have similar details for Bernard Shero?
DeleteAnd look at this, hiding behind anonymous with that kind of statement.
ReplyDeleteAll that tells me is that you have no knowledge of the case and likely consider all men in a collar guitly. Why not just call yourself Bigot?
Bob, most of those that defend the accuser/drug addict/thief/, habitual liar and con artist Danny Gallagher are uninformed, lack knowledge of the individuals currently in prison and lack of knowledge of the process the DA used to convict those innocent men, particularly Father Engelhardt and Bernard Shero. They are simply collateral damage, in prison wasting the taxpayers of this state's money as a direct result of wildly false accusations by a well connected scam artist looking for a big payday from the archdiocese.
DeleteKudos to Ralph for the recent article detailing Danny Gallagher's checkered decade long resume of lies and deceit and wild stories as told to those drug counselors etc, shame those stories never made it into the courtroom this past January for those 12 jurors to comprehend the extent of his abiltiy to deceive everyone that crossed his path during his decade long drug abuse which included the frequent use of LSD.......
And who, exactly, is going to send cards to all of those innocent children who were/are sexually abused by the clergy? I know for a fact that the victims and their families would truly appreciate it. It would be so nice for them to know that their pain is validated, as opposed to being swept under the rug as usual, and worst of all, being treated like a dirty secret and a piece of trash.
ReplyDeleteSame people who send cards to to the kids that were abused by public school teachers who abuse kids at a rate much higher then priest and get no attention at all.
ReplyDeleteNot exactly sure what your point is. Are you saying that the public school kids who are abused or the public school teachers who abuse them get no attention? And if the public school teachers are pedophiles, would you agree that any Public School District does NOT try to hide that fact and cover it up, like the AOP has done? Also, all of those that get abused by the clergy and come forward certainly get trashed by so many, even in death. Why is that? We should be applauding their courage for coming forward and putting their reputations on the line. Isn't that what we do for any other victim or witness to any other crime? And just to clarify, I am not saying that all of the clergy that are accused are guilty, just as all victims that accuse them are making things up...