"It's New Year's Eve," "Uncle Joe" Ligambi yelled at one of the feds. "What are you doing here? You should be getting ready for tonight's parties."
For a guy stuck in jail on the holidays, the boss of the Philadelphia mob was in surprisingly good spirits today.
The prosecution had wound up its case, and the defense was putting on its witnesses. They included a former car dealer who once sold Uncle Joe a Cadillac, and a gambling expert who tried to show that the people overheard on federal surveillance tapes were actually part of somebody else's bookmaking operation, and not Uncle Joe's.
It was a half-day for the mob trial on New Year's Eve, as the judge and lawyers in the case knocked off early, but not before they talked about scheduling. It looks like the defense will wind up its case on Thursday by calling "Frankie The Fixer" DiGiacomo, a former government witness.
At the first mob trial, DiGiacomo, a South Philly plumber and wannabe wise guy, sounded more like a defense witness last year when he described Uncle Joe and his co-defendants as "good people, great people." Frankie the Fixer also ripped fellow government witness "Bent Finger Lou" Monacello as somebody who "should have been dead a long time ago."
Judge Eduardo Robreno said he expected closing statements on Monday and Tuesday, and then, after the judge delivers his charge on Tuesday afternoon, the case will go to the jury.
Ligambi greeted the defense's first witness today, Patrick W. Ferraro, by telling him, "You look like a judge," and "I like that white on white shirt."
Ferraro is the father of Alyson Borgesi, the wife of George Borgesi, Ligambi's nephew and co-defendant.
Before court got started, Ligambi made small talk with the Ferraro, swapped jokes with the feds, and commiserated with his lawyer, Eddie Jacobs, about Jacobs' back problems.
The veteran defense lawyer has a herniated disc. He seems in obvious pain as he hobbled around on a cane, and stood while court was in session. But a back operation will have to wait until the mob trial is over.
Jacobs told Ligambi it was time to start interviewing surgeons. "I don't want to be walking around this in June," Jacobs told his client.
When Ferraro took the witness stand, he described how the FBI showed up at his former car dealership in Delaware County about ten years ago, looking for records of sales to Ligambi, Borgesi and Monacello. Ferraro said he told his employees to give the feds whatever records they wanted.
On cross-examination, Ferraro admitted he gave all three mobsters a discount. But hey, it was no big deal.
"I give everybody a discount," Ferraro told the prosecutor. "I was the only Cadillac dealership in Delaware County. Everyone came to us."
When defense lawyer Christopher Warren got another crack at Ferraro, he asked if there was anything crooked about those car deals a decade ago involving Ligambi, Borgesi and Monacello, he'd have probably heard about by now, right?
Objection, said the prosecutor.
Sustained, said the judge.
The next defense witness was Donald Fredericks, a mustachioed former Pennsylvania state trooper and private eye who's an expert on sports betting. As part of his role as a defense expert, Fredericks told the jury that he listened to some 3,000 government surveillance tapes.
Fredericks was asked to explain to the jury how a betting line works. He brought up Saturday night's playoff game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the New Orleans Saints.
Right now, the Eagles are favored by two points, Fredericks told the jury.
"You want to bet on New Orleans? New Orleans already has two points," Fredericks explained.
Fredericks was quizzed about several wiretapped conversations involving Damion Canalichio, a former mob enforcer who was sentenced in July at the last mob trial to 137 months in prison after he was convicted for racketeering and conspiracy.
"I'm more into collections," Canalichio told an undercover FBI agent posing as a gambler on one surveillance tape, a transcript of which was displayed in court. "That's my thing."
"You pay your fucking debts," Canalichio was overheard telling a delinquent bettor. "You understand?"
The point seemed to be that Canalichio had said on another surveillance tape that "This is Stevie's money," referring to mobster Steve Mazzone, who's not charged in the case. And that any collecting Canalichio might have up to was not on behalf of Uncle Joe.
During a break, Ligambi quizzed one of the feds about some other local bookmaking action.
"You bet the Eagles?" Ligambi asked with a knowing smile about the home team's narrow two-point win last Sunday over the Cowboys.
The Eagles were favored by 6 1/2.
"It hurts," replied the fed.
Meanwhile, Borgesi was talking about lunch.

The judge told the jury they might have to call in on an inclement weather hotline on Thursday to see if court will go on as scheduled, in the face of a forecast calling for snow.
With that warning, and an admonition not to read any trial coverage in the media, the judge send the jury of 14 women and 2 men home for the holiday.
"See you Thursday at our regular time, God willing," the judge said. "And Happy New Year."
As they say, theirs two sides to every story. On another note, Galati got denied bail today, that means as of now he's NOT ratting, rumor on the street though says it wont be long cause his daughter will testify against him if he goes to trial.
ReplyDeleteSafe to say galati hasnt made a deal yet by not getting bail or house artest
ReplyDeleteIf its true,that daughter was present during shooting i hope he rots in jail that mother fu&%er!! That means Galati is a threat to anyone, even his wife.How, if this is true , can Anyone stand by him? Hope he gets FU#&Ed in his A for a NewYears celebration.
ReplyDeleteAgain how Come the Fruit Cake Steveie Mazzone Isn't Charged In The Sports Betting Case???!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDon't Worry Galati Will Rat!!!!
ReplyDeleteSteveie must be rating.
ReplyDeleteYou're right bro steveie should be at the defense table....
ReplyDeleteI told you before you better watch mazzone and lance something is wrong with that picture.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone break bread with lancelott over the holidays
DeleteWasnt stevie in jail when UJ took over
ReplyDeleteSteveie got out 2009 he was around UJ.
ReplyDeleteThey went in 2010or 11 most of the case was from 2000 towhen they wrnt to jail havnt heatd any tapes with stevie yet. But if what ther ssuing on streets is true most of these guys might have problems whats the odds on a not guilty verdict boys
DeleteLance is low key!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol
ReplyDeleteSteveie Mazzone was dealing with Lou Sheep too who went tooo Jail!!!!!
ReplyDeleteEverybody thinks some gambling, foul language and idle threats are so volatile to society. Meanwhile right under our noses the big banks, big corps continue their greed. Stealing billions of dollars. Just read a article on how big banks controlling the large metals. Manipulating the pricing. Yet, it's not even considered as conspiracy or extortion. These guys are ametuers compared to the executives of many big corporations. Where is the exposure on them on a front page with a shock headline!?!?
ReplyDeleteThey don't talk on phone's like these ASSHOLES!!!
ReplyDeleteOh yes they do! And they say more vial words than these guys. The mockery they make of our system and people who lack the wealth they have. A heavy happy hour of boozing and slid a recorder under the bar when these filthy rich bankers, insurance execs are chatting on their big deals will make you realize who are the real mob is. They just get a pass from the Feds when it comes to a investigation. They don't sell papers. Unless they have a last name ending in a vowel.
DeleteWere all hypocrites only most of them have legal jobs and most of them dont kill people not that some jerkoffs dont deserve it
For most of us
Agree to disagree. Look up HSBC to big to go to jail, "gangster bankster " pretty interesting. Aiding and abedding known drug cartels and terrorist. Many banks and insurance companies have blood on their hands. How many peopl have loss their lives to insurance companies and their game change policies to save on pay outs owed to consumers who pay for protection and a peace of mind but are left to die because some beer belly exec wants to climb the corp ladder and construe wording on policies to make profits on top of profits and someone suffers physically and financially from denial of benefits. That's worse that a threat of owing a gambling debt. Look at what they did to the victims of hurricane KAtrina and Rita, just a few to mention. They are the experts on extortion but its ok for them because their lobbyist pay off the politicians to turn their heads. I know how some people are gonna rebuttal this, but be on the other side when they decide to pick on you for their greed and anyone's outlook will change real fast on who are the real crime syndicates. Many books written on these companies but they don't sell because it don't have "mafia" on front cover..
DeleteYeaaaa oooook
Delete^^ "yeaa ooook" do some digging and read some book on corruption with banks, insurance and other big corps along with the politicians. They should be facing RICO. Unless you are employed by one of them I can understand your defense for them.
DeleteGive it break lady
DeleteAnd u pal are one of those when it suits u its ok but if ur on the flip side u spin it real hand job
DeleteSteveie Mazzone got to be rating!!! Something is wrong he should be on trail....
ReplyDeleteMazzones not ratting. Why would they indict him on one b.s. wiretap where.his name comes up one time? Really would be wasting more tax money.
ReplyDeleteJoey didn't get arrested so he must e a snitch, THAT bs makes no sense!
ReplyDeleteSkinny did not come back to Philly when he got out of prison!! Mazzone went right back hanging around them morons!!!! Why is mazzone name on these tapes? These are UJ guys talking about sports betting come on wake up guys!!
ReplyDeleteLigambi Mistrial
ReplyDeleteSteveie Mazzone will like going back to jail the Fruit Cake!!!!
ReplyDeleteToo many haters on this blog shit!!!
ReplyDeleteNo Haters !!! Just Telling The Truth!!!,,,,,,
ReplyDeleteIm not. Blasting anyone but its the mob n doesn't take a genius to figure out the 90% of these fellas are gonna end. Up either dead,jail or worse un wit sec!
ReplyDeleteSo True!!! My prediction Witness Protection. Who want to have their kids come to A Cold Stone or A Pig Pen & b around bunch of convicts.NOT ME I LOVE& RESPECT MY KIDS TO MUCH.
DeleteSkinny's Crew got 9 unsolved murders!!! The Feds are coming with these charges...
ReplyDeleteHEY ! SM DONT FORGET YOUR COUSIN Dutchie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're gonna get your's fagot!
ReplyDeleteThats a good anonymous ^^^ lol
ReplyDeleteDutchie is just one of the murders!!!!
ReplyDeleteDo a book on the Ligambi years
ReplyDeleteAre The Feds Going After Skinning's Crew???
ReplyDeleteIf they are who is giving info
DeleteSteveie Mazzone was having sex with Dutchie wife and Dutchie was having sex and ALSO giving her drugs>> that's why Dutchie in the Witness Protection Program!!!!!!!!!! HAVE YOU ALL FORGOT ABOUT THAT?? ESPECIALLY THE FAMILY!!!!!!?????????????
ReplyDeleteI am not saying anyone is ratting maybe not enough to indite stevie, mikeE seems odd, but he says nothing to anyone he never talks, and that is what this whole case is about "TAPES"
ReplyDeleteSteveie Mazzone Is Bisexual I Know!!!!!! One Of His Love'ers He Still See's Him.
ReplyDeleteGalati know about your cousin Dutchie Steveie Mazzone! Happy And A HEALTH 2014!! AND YOU and THE REST OF YOUR FRIENDS SHOULD GO TO CHRUCH EVERYDAY YOUR STILL ON THE STREET!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLike "Not Guilty"????
ReplyDeleteMaybe thats why he still on the street because hes low key with loyal soldiers and doesn't branch out n fuck with drug dealers that snitch or brag about la costa nostra non sense, gentle don style
ReplyDeleteSM live in 500,000 home!!! ??? how do you think he made the money??? in the sport business!! NO! IN THE DRUG BUSINESS!!!! THAT'S HOW!!!! TRY TO FINE cousin Dutchie ??? oh that.s right HIS NOT A ROUND???!!!!!!!! ITS ALL GOING TOO COME OUT REAL SOON>>>>>>>>>>
DeleteBullshit Stevie was straight telling everyone NO DRUGS if your around him.He wants No repeat of what his boy did before almost get him caught up making calls from his house making deals last time. Heard from the horses mouth if you are near him no drugs. Shit look how much money Joe Vito makes in sports its possible.
DeleteSteveie Mazzone A HoMo Wow!!! I Heard That Before Must Be True!.........
ReplyDeleteI was tAlk about lance..
ReplyDeletePenn Staters for Responsible Stewardship
Penn State Alumni Group Blames Trustees For Loss of Coach O’Brien
Was South Philly amiss with English teachers? I can't believe the vernacular on this blog lol
ReplyDelete..says the person who uses the word "amiss" incorrectly...
DeleteI know!!!!!! These Guy's Are Morons!!!!! The PhillyMob
ReplyDeleteThis all just gives Italians a bad name, get real jobs, honest jobs, put your real family first and either live by the churches you all suck up too or stop calling yourselves Catholics, discusting.
ReplyDeleteAnd idiot who keeps talking about the bankers, shut up, bankers being crooks does not make these guys look any more innocent, just makes you look stupid!
Good One^