for Bigtrial.net
It was a dog and pony show that was over in a few minutes.
A noticeably slimmer Msgr. William J. Lynn made a totally unnecessary appearance this afternoon in the courtroom of Judge M. Teresa Sarmina to review conditions of his bail.
Lynn, who lost 80 pounds in jail, was released Friday after his conviction on one count of child endangerment was reversed by the state Superior Court.
The judge told Lynn his appearance was required to "personally have addressed you to make sure you understand what the conditions of your release are."
"Yes, Your Honor," Lynn replied.
The conditions basically amount to house arrest. Lynn has to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet on his ankle at all times. He will be restricted to staying on two floors of the rectory at St. William's parish at 6200 Rising Sun Avenue in Northeast Philadelphia. He will have to check in with his parole officer every week. He will need his parole officer's permission whenever he wants to leave the rectory to visit, say his doctor or his lawyer.
Sarmina asked Lynn if he was aware that if he violated any of the judge's conditions, that his bail would immediately be revoked and he would "return to prison."
"I am," he replied.
Sarmina asked Lynn if he was aware that she had already signed an arrest warrant that would be issued if the monsignor violated any provision of his electronic monitoring.
"I am," the monsignor said.
With that it was over. If Lynn behaves, it should be his last appearance in Judge Sarmina's courtroom.
Sarmina presided over the monsignor's show trial in 2012. It was her application of the law in that case that was described by the Superior Court as "fundamentally flawed."
Sarmina was true to form today in requiring the monsignor to return to her courtroom to tell him something he already knew, her conditions for bail that Lynn's lawyers had already agreed to.
If Judge Sarmina had told Lynn to stand on his head, he would have done so.
But the judge got last burst of headlines out of the case, and the news media got a chance to get some fresh pictures of a slimmer monsignor.
So presumably everyone went home happy.
Outside the courtroom, Msgr. Lynn declined to speak to the media. He answered only one question, how he lost 80 pounds in prison.
Lynn's lawyer, Thomas A. Bergstrom, took care of the rest of the questions.
While Bergstrom was addressing the media outside the CJC, Lynn tried to sneak out another door and leave without being noticed. But reporters and photographers made a mad dash after the monsignor. While Lynn walked away looking grim-faced, a couple of brain-dead hecklers chased him as well, repeatedly yelling "pedophile" at him.
"He [Williams] shouldn't be out there denigrating the court and denigrating the archdiocese for posting bail," Bergstrom said.
Bergstrom was more forthcoming on how Lynn lost so much weight.
He was on "a strict diet and he worked out on a treadmill" every day, the lawyer said.
I think he had more freedom when he was in prison.
ReplyDeleteI think that you are correct. I wonder if his treatment is acceptable under the law or is Sarmina abusing her power once more?
ReplyDeleteThank you for saying I am correct. However don't take my comment the wrong way. I applaud Judge Sarmina for her actions. She called all involved into court to go over the bail terms and those involved agreed to those terms with no arguments.
DeleteThis time around no person can claim like you she abused her power.
Instead of Lynn looking out a prison window seeing nothing, he can now look out onto Rising Sun Ave. and watch the world pass him by while he thinks about his inactions.
But thank you for telling me my comment was correct.
Please. The first sentence of this article sums up today's proceedings perfectly.
DeleteWere there any restrictions on visitors while the Msgr. Is staying at st. Williams?
DeleteAnd 'Anonymous' replies to 'Anonymous.'
ReplyDeleteWhat is that all about Mr. Report.com ? Check out the link below on another story RC did about the mob. 227 anonymous names.
Yeah, shocked that posters would use ANON under MOB stories.
DeleteThe 'intelligencia' supporting the claims against Catholic clergy never fail to....fail.
What's the difference between the mob and the church ?
DeleteThe mob has morals. They don't hurt innocent kids.
You're as ignorant about true (not Hollywood glorified) mob crime as you are about the persecution of the Church.
DeleteToday is a 'two-fer' for you, Bozo.
Why is it so hard for you to accept the truth ? I wanted to be polite but since you can't see your hand in front of your face let me lay it out for you.
DeleteYour priest Lynn was charged and convicted of a crime. He spent 18 months in a 8X10 cell for his crime. He was ordered released. Instead of being released because of the possible appeal the DA office may file he was ordered by the judge to pay $250,000 in bail, ordered to wear a ankle bracelet that will show law enforcement every step he takes, and in addition ordered to meet with his babysitter weekly to complete his humiliation.
His original sentence was for 3-6 yrs. in prison and now with the pending appeal he may have to serve more time in confinement then his original sentence while he waits on a ruling on that appeal. Living with the possibility his original conviction will be upheld sending him back to prison to reclaim his 8X10 cell.
And then you can be angry with me knowing that I got more than a pound of flesh but 80lbs. from a man who you wish to call hero. A man who turned children into prey,
I and so many others will sleep well tonight knowing he is locked away, and you cannot do anything about it, only forced to accept it.
This - I believe - is Sarmina's 'last hurrah', one last chance to rub salt into an open wound.
ReplyDeleteIn lobbying for this case she wanted to make a name for herself - and she sure did! And all this from someone campaigning for both a superior and supreme court judgeship. God help us!
I'm hoping - between now and whenever the appeal is answered - that the trial lawyers take her to task with the appropriate judicial authorities for her obvious bias and obdurate misinterpretation of the EWOC statue.
By the way, is there any expected timeline for the filing with the Supreme Court and their answer?? Can this drag on indefinitely? Come to think about it, maybe their plan is to keep Monsignor Lynn under house arrest for the forseeable future.
Dirty Pool!
Given that Sarmina had to be compelled by Superior court to file a brief in response to Lynn's appeal, you can be damn sure Seth and his office will take their sweet time filing their appeal.
DeleteHe can look out his window and Thank God that he is less likely to be wrongly incarcerated for 18 years, and counting, as is Fr. MacRae.
ReplyDeleteHe'll probably spend much time in prayer and introspection. Only he and God knows if he need repent for his actions on this issue.
It's more interesting to wonder what the Judge and the DA will do, next...they must dwell in a different kind of prison.
Question begging to be answered is what is the procedure if a defendant has charges against him thrown out by Superior Court and the prosecution decides to file an appeal? Do they make the defendant provide 25K cash payment on 250K bail and require him to wear an electronic monitor while staying in a two floor house and having to ask permission from a probation officer to go to the doctor or to visit a friend?
ReplyDeleteMost cases, prosecutors simply decline to file an appeal and respect the decision of Superior Court due to workload issues. It is obvious that Seth Williams has plenty of time to dawdle and file frivolous appeals to keep an innocent Monsignor in prison than he has to put away convicted murderers and rapists for life.
Another issue of concern is the procedure for dealing with an abusive jurist that got shamed into action by Superior Court with a resounding rebuke of her legal judgment at arriving at such an incredible verdict and prison sentence for someone over something that did not apply at all in his case. Now Superior Court rejected the judge's reasoning and threw out the case and then it is now the preference of the same judge (Sarmina) to decide if the defendant is entitled to bail and to all other onerous conditions she decided to impose on the Monsignor, including wearing a monitoring device and visiting a probation officer each week plus having to ask the probation officer for permission to visit a doctor (are 911 calls not permitted without the permission of the probation officer?) and to have visitors. She might as well have required the Monsignor to have two rottweiler dogs watch over him for any misdeeds.
Obviously, there are NO procedures in place to deal with an abusive judge. One way of getting relief would be to plead your case to the Presiding Judge of Common Pleas court. Given all this happened, the Presiding Judge would call Sarmina to his office and berate her for all the stupid things she has done - literally rake her over the coals! Then, to add insult to injury, take the case away from Sarmina and give it to another judge. Were that to happen, I doubt the new judge would do what Sarmina did and Lynn would have been released without having to post bail and not have to wear an ankle monitor plus no visits to the probation officer.
Better is expected from people put on the bench by voters. Sarmina's conduct was an embarrassment to her fellow jurists and members of her own family. She knew better yet she chose to conduct herself as an arrogant judge determined to extract her pound of flesh from Lynn. She refused to grant defense motions to strike down the one count remaining on Lynn's indictment after getting crystal clear explanations from the defense that the 1972 EWOC did not apply to Lynn. Worse of all, she allowed prosecutors to introduce into evidence dozens of cases that did not apply to Lynn as he was not on duty during the time the alleged incidents occurred decades past. That was the equivalent of legal piling on.
My advice to Bergstrom is to aggressively petition Common Pleas Court to appoint a new judge to review the bail conditions imposed by Sarmina and modify them to ensure that Lynn has dignity as a free person until this appeal is decided by the State Supreme Court.
So Sarmina has a signed arrest warrant ready to go for Lynn? Is there a sign above her courtroom door stating "Fair Warning: All defendants entering this courtroom are guilty until proven innocent"?
ReplyDeleteThis is one really mean spirited judge.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else want to puke when you hear her addressed as 'honorable'?
I had already puked when Lynn was addressed with the honorific title of 'Father'. Fathers protect their children, NOT feed them to known pedophiles.
DeleteMy exact feeling, sick.
DeleteMore biological fathers abuse and/or kill their own children than do priests.
DeleteIn non-Christian nations, fathers sell their children into 'white slavery' as a matter of 'tradition' and 'culture'.
Still need to puke/feel sick?
What the parishioners of St. Williams are singing regarding the new rectory resident.
Picture the young ladies of St. Williams with their gray and blue hair dancing to the song pointing to a large picture of Chaput hanging on the wall.
How disgusting that after the Superior Court deemed Sarmina's judgement to be "fundamentally flawed" that she is still able to humiliate him, once again, in her courtroom. She makes me sick to my stomach.
ReplyDeleteAs if she has to "personally" explain to him what electronic monitoring means...this is an educated man who has been in prison for 18 months! How dare she! She is will do ANYTHING to draw out her time in the spotlight....how transparent, how immature, how small minded she is! Does she have ANY fans? I know, probably the wrong forum to ask that question, but honestly, what was the purpose of this ridiculous waste of taxpayer dollars, once again, just to put her on stage? Makes my blood curdle.
Fundamentally flawed Sarmina's reasoning is, yes. What is the standard operating procedure on a prisoner ordered released by Superior Court after having his case thrown out? Any answers to my post above?
DeleteThis is a fine example of be careful of what you wish for.
ReplyDeleteA lot of you a few days ago expressed your joy that Lynn would be leaving prison, and that's fine. But what Lynn will now have to endure truly any better ? I think its worse.
Try for only a few days to restrict yourself to two floors of your home and only able to look out the windows, all the while watching your family come and go as they please. Freedom is there past that door but you know if you take that step it may be the last for a long time.
while tough, remember he is now 2.5 hours closer to home and closer to his family. he can finally enjoy and sit down with his family for meals. while the restriction are tough i am pretty sure everyone, including you heartless anon 856am, would take that over being told when to wake, eat and sleep.
Deletekeep these insane comments coming. you continue to show with the ecker's of the world how close minded and dumb you sound with this type of statement. your holding too close to the moral issues you have with lynn and not the law that grants him his right to freedom. freedom that was taken away by a drug addicted, FOP connected individual and his family. The individual i am referring to is Daniel Gallagher, son of James Sr. and Sheila Gallagher.
Hello, did someone mention my name ? I was going to stay out of this because I don't want anyone claim that I am gloating. But you must remember Lynn at this time is neither guilty or innocent of a crime. Since the DA will follow a appeal to a higher court one must remember he may have to return to prison to serve out any remaining time if the original conviction is upheld and this time spent at St.Williams will not be considered time served.
Deletegloating on what your irrational logic and statements. nothing you say makes sense anyway. and thanks for law 101. your ability to copy and paste from material you find on the internet is inspiring.
DeleteWhat a hoot! Accusing someone of "...holding too close to the moral issues you have with lynn..." Riiiiight... one shouldn't hold too close to moral issues when speaking of a "man of God" who repeatedly exposed innocent children to "little monsters" he knew to be sexually abusive priests! How wrong of people to hold this "man of God" to a higher moral standard! Oh, it's just soooo unfair! Why, "Msr." Lynn can't be faulted for doing his masters (the Bishops and Cardinals he took his orders from) bidding and turning known pedophile priests loose on unsuspecting congregations so they could sexually abuse even more innocent children. He was just doing his job! He is in no way responsible for all of the innocent souls he helped damage... he was just doing his job!
DeleteAssigning Msgr. Lynn to St. William's PARISH with families and children..........
ReplyDeleteI thought the archbishop and his fellow leaders were trying to get away from that
Go back through the archives and see what he was falsely convicted on? it had nothing to do with abuse of children. so what are the concerns to families and children? All it does is put st. williams in the spotlight for a week. after that everyone will forget tha lynn is even staying there.
DeleteSkiadvocate, I believe you ;identified yourself as a retired Police Captain, why don't you reach out to your fellow retiree, Detective Joe Walsh and ask him for his professional opinion on the validity of those numerous accusations of abuse of Billy Doe/aka Danny Gallagher that ultimately led to the incarcerations of Lynn, Engelhardt and Shero .....(any file he might have that cast doubt on those accusations is long gone)
DeleteAvery was smart, he plead to the bogus assault charge, got his sweetheart deal and in the process implicated Lynn (and only LYNN) as his conspirator which contributed greatly to Lynn's conviction on the EWOC count (despite the erroneous interpretation of the law by the current DA)....
The whole thing was a scam, Mr Skiadvocate, a con.
perhaps one day, when this drug addict relapses and he resumes his thieving, lying and conniving way of life including the drug dealing (let's not forget the infamous 56 bags of heroin charge thrown out by the Philly judge (total of 4 arrests all plead out and/or expunged with the help of the DA's office
), I pray that it's not your family member that Gallagher sells the dope to in the streets of Philadelphia......
If Mr. Gallagher "resumes his thieving" as you say it won't be because he needs any money. He will have plenty of money from your pocket and your church's pocket.
DeleteIf he started with drugs again I don't see himself selling on the streets. Why should he ? He has enough of your money to hire employees.
Stop being so angry, vent if you wish. Accept what is happening. And the phrase I heard so many times MOVE ON.
Let me know by you or anyone else how easy you think that is.
Lets not put this lying drug addict on easy street yet, Dennis, he's sued everyone and everything but the kitchen sink in this case which should allow for the utmost of scrutiny in the upcoming civil trial....I'd much prefer the archdiocese spend their money defending that extortion attempt, if they have to sell a couple more buildings, close a few schools etc., so be it......and I have absolutely no problem with the archdiocese putting up the bail money.....for him not to get bail after the conviction was overturned by the higher court would have been another example of trampling of his civil rights.......Sarmina did get her pound of flesh though......Ralph described it perfectly, the dog and pony show.....
DeleteIf history repeats itself the AOP will do its best to settle any suits out of court. The first reason would be its cheaper. Second would be they do not wish anything to jump out of a closet that may harm them in the future.
DeleteLynn did receive bail. The terms of his bail were agreed by his attorney. Now there are individuals who are upset because after the celebration of his release are realizing the removal of his freedom may extend past his original release date from prison, and if his original conviction is upheld by the higher court he may have to go back to prison to serve out his time. Again combined with the St. Williams restrictions along with the remaining time he must serve is more then what his original sentence would have bee.
Not really, home confinement is creditable to remaining time to be served in prison. Secondly, has anyone considered using the ADA to petition for a reasonable removal of the ankle monitor so that Lynn is able to go to the gym to exercise and to talk walks around the block for fresh air? His movements should be confined to a radius of three miles away from the rectory where he is living. Remember the ADA is federal law and so trumps local law.
DeleteAnd remember people in jail get to play outside and to exercise in the exercise room.
He was convicted of moving predator priests from parish to another. How does this have nothing to do with abuse of children?
ReplyDeleteIn his current role with the church is he able to perform that task now? no, hasn't been for some time as he moved back to a parish priest years ago.
Deleteanother questions, was lynn ever accused of inappropriate behavior with a minor? let me answer that for you - no.
so all his presence at st. williams does is bring the focus to that neighborhood until you and everyone else find the new matter of the week to focus on.
Anonymous...............provide an identity and THEN you can issue me directives (re Det. Walsh).......
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, my comment/issue above was NOT about Billy Doe/aka Danny Gallagher...... it concerned that insulting, trivial and demeaning phrase:
"DEEPLY FLAWED THINKING AND ACTIONS" (provided by the Archbishop in describing leadership conduct and decision-making in the past re the management of sexual abuse allegations)
On a previous blog of Ralph's he quoted Chaput as writing "he (Lynn) may not function publicly as a priest)
ReplyDeleteBut yesterday we see Lynn in his black garb and white collar.
I know he has not been defrocked yet but is not wearing the priestly uniform a function of a priest ?
Did Chaput mean you can PRETEND to be a priest but don't answer to Msgr. Or Father and most important don't bless anything ?
And you had how many years of catholic education?
DeleteLynn is a priest in good standing (and likely will never be defrocked) and therefore is able to wear his collar. his only restriction is that he is unable to publicly say mass and other duties a priest may perform
Who's this ANONYMOUS person, by the way?
DeleteThere is that statement which concerns me so much "is a priest in good standing"
DeleteWhat does one of your priests have to do to be placed in a bad standing ?
Seems like sexually abusing children or enabling others to sexually abuse children is not enough.
What does one of your priests have to do to be placed in a bad standing ?
Delete....be seen with you....
Do you feel better now since you got that out ?
DeleteWhy does it seem that Northeast Philadelphia is the dumping ground for the AOP most depraved ?
ReplyDeleteWhen sex offenders leave prison usually they must register in the area they will reside. It alerts the residence of a potential danger in their neighborhood. Lynn may never had to register because he did not sexually abuse, but the media spotlight on this case has alerted the neighbors of St. Williams to a potential danger to children. A person who did not put the safety of children first.
ReplyDeleteYour city has been at the top of the bad boy list for violent crime and government corruption for at least two generations.
You have one of the worst violent crime and government corruption records - right up there with Camden, Trenton, Newark, Chicago and NYC. And, you're rather 'puny' compared with the big guys in NYC and Chicago, aren't you? Actually, your stats on crime and corruption are quite disproportionate to your size, aren't they?
You can thank your leftist policies/politicians for that sad fact, just as we can thank the same for the persecution of the Catholic Church. Perhaps, you should ask your dear leaders to clean up their own houses since the odds are greatly (exponentially) in favor of you and your children (you know, the real ones under 40-50-60 years old) being victimized by anyone other than Catholic priests in grand old Philly.
Yet, you lament the risk to 'children' from putting Lynn under house arrest.
You are Frauds, Bigots and Liars of the first order. You represent your City of Brotherly Love quite fairly.
Quotes from todays Philly.com.
ReplyDeletePhiladelphia Archdiocese prolongs its own suffering.
"All of the church's wounds are self-inflicted, a festering tumor growing from within"
That self-inflicted wound stilll appears to be festering.
I am sure once the bleediing hearts read the article I am sure we will hear them scream foul.
The media hates the catholic church.
Well, if you do right I'm sure that hate you may feel will turn to like.
DeleteHilarious. Are you that desperate?
Actually, the media hate campaign has not worked. It has been exposed and those media are now looking very self-conscious. Embarrassed, even. And we will continue to expose them.
Meanwhile, congregations are growing, the seminaries are filling up, and the world loves Pope Francis.
And in 2014 the world will witness the unraveling of one of the biggest judicial disgraces in recent history, involving multiple miscarriages of justice. And guess who will emerge the stronger for it? Here's a clue: it won't be the Philadelphia PD or Philadelphia's rancid "justice" system.
You really are a sad person.
DeleteWatch video.
And there is what new information in the video?
DeleteHe Dennis you have allot of hate and misinformation. The judge and DA lost. They only want to hold them as long as they can until civil case starts so they can get their cut. Philly is so corrupt it is sad
DeleteFederal prosecutors and FBI agents have subpoenaed financial information from five Philadelphia judges, sought campaign-donation records, and interviewed judges and political figures as part of a wide-ranging investigation over the last year, The Inquirer has learned.
Philly.com, do people still read that?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you are reading it now. DON'T LIE.
DeleteThe Inquirer couldn't be more ethically and financially bankrupt. Their conduct during this whole farce has been reprehensible. Only a blind man would miss it.
DeleteSorry Dennis, I don't. I did subscribe to the Inquirer for twenty plus years but gave it up for all the reasons the above post points out. It is a one sided point of view, not a report the news and let the reader form his or her own opinion. I don't need editorials in the news section and philly.com is just an extension of the print edition. So no lie, I don't read it.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the blog entry about Judge Sarmina?
ReplyDeleteI was wondering about that myself.
DeleteToo truthful for some to stomach, no doubt.
DeleteTruth is a huge inconvenience to the villainous and corrupt in the Philly Truth Abuse Scandal:
Judges: Renée Cardwell Hughes, Sarmina and Ceisler
DA office: Mark Cipoletti, Seth Williams, Mariana Sorensen; ADA Pat Blessington, ADA Evangelina Manos
- False accusers: Daniel P Gallagher, abetted by police officer James Gallagher Sr., Sheila Gallagher and James Gallagher Jr. (and Mark Bukowski in the Brennan case)
- Philadelphia's finest: Detective Walsh and his corrupt colleagues
- The members of the juries who willingly and knowingly put innocent men behind bars, ruined their reputations and bought untold misery to their families.
- "Media": The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philly.com, both more interested in propagating lies and propping up agendas than in reporting facts and truths.
This post a story only to remove it later is nothing new for Ralph Cipriano.
DeleteThe last time if I remember correctly was during the DA race, and Ralph will once again refuse to explain either his actions or the actions of those who removed the story.
It raises questions to the credibility of his stories.
What is truly ironic this time around is if everyone remembers correctly the story that was posted only to be removed was about how the words of a judge will come back to haunt her.
Ralph, are your words coming back to haunt you ?
Everything I wrote was true. I have been given extraordinary freedom on this blog. I am not done reporting on the "historic" archdiocese prosecution.
DeleteAll is well.
Ralph-you and I emailed a few times during the trial. Anyone, including D.E., who has followed this blog before, during and after the trial could clearly discern from your reporting just how slanted Sarmina was in favor of the prosecution.
DeleteI found it telling that, during the appeal hearing in 9/13, one of the justices asked the ADA or Bergstrom how long Lynn had been in prison(reported on this blog). Folks, it all comes down to the rule of law. Ex pos facto doesn't work, no matter how you try to manipulate the verbage.
ReplyDeleteIts not like you to publicly lick your wounds.
Are you sure there is no one else who you want to blame ? Looking in the mirror would be a good start.
DeleteIt sounds to me like Ralph struck a raw nerve....good, it's about time.
Feel better now, Icky?
DeleteAnother First Amendment Attack ??
ReplyDeleteCipriano has the first amendment right like anyone else. With that right comes responsibility or other laws come into play and they are called libel/slander.
ReplyDeleteI will not say that is the case here. There maybe many reasons why the blog about Judge Sarmina disappeared .
But I know one thing Ralph does do I respect him for he does read the comments of those who post here. Its curious once again he fails to comment on blogs that disappear especially a blog about a judge.
Talk to us Ralph.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSpeaking of libel and slander, unless you or your mommy and daddy filed charges against your offender immediately when the offense was committed, you may be complicit in advancing that perpetrators ability to continue to offend (sometimes these predators partner up with "Judas" minors [aka co-conspirators] to procure new targets), or, you are lying about being abused (perhaps you were a Judas 'helper'?) and are, therefore, guilty of committing libel and slander against that man.
DeleteWhich is it, Junior?
If the Archdiocese and the OSFS, or even family members of the rapist Fr. Robert Hermley wish to challenge what I say, I'm here, I'll be waiting, because I'm not going anywhere.
DeleteOH WAIT. The archdiocese did try and guess what happened ?
Nothing. What were they to do with a fable?
DeleteThere was nothing slanderous or libelous about that post, or any other on this blog. The first defense against libel is truth.
DeleteRalph, You do understand how the missing story could have raised questions by your readers.
DeleteThe story was about one of if not the biggest player in the clergy sexual abuse scandal, and that person happens to be a judge.
You say "all is well" then we will take your word. It does not seem you are conccerned about it
Will you tell us eventually what happened ? People did leave comments making them involved as much as you.
What proof do you have of your claims? Being in the same dimension of space and time of the alleged perpetrator is not proof of anything other than that; what physical proof do you have that you were violated?
ReplyDeleteHere's what isn't proof beyond a reasonable doubt: a plea bargain (especially in an atmosphere of Catholic clergy barbecues), one's 'word', or a court settlement.
Here's what is proof; a police report filed immediately after the commission of the crime, a medical record/report that confirms that a crime occurred, pursuit of justice (due diligence) through the legal channels afforded all citizens.
Got some?
Go away, and take your annoying, whiney wolf with you, little boy.
Prove this, prove that. You know the truth son. You are only afraid to admit it because it would only make liars out of the people you listened to for decades that priests can do no wrong.
ReplyDeleteAccept it and let the truth set you free.
How does anybody know the truth about your 'story'?
ReplyDeleteSuppose a woman appeared out of your past, from 30 years ago, and claimed that you raped her, with no more evidence than her 'word'/'story' - do you think it is fair that you should have to defend against her allegations?
Now, imagine that the mainstream media and unfriendly governments have launched an ideological war against all white, middle class males (which is underway, incidentally) and are gunning for you, anyway, regardless of any truths, because they also have a political (leftist) agenda.
Assuming you wear a collared shirt, turn it around. You are now fair game in that dirty little political war.
Your attempts to demean or demoralize opponents are laid bare by the fact that you are admittedly pursuing a bigoted vendetta against Catholics.
You make many erroneous assumptions. One of the many is that you claim that your opposition does not admit wrong-doing by some clergy. I've yet to see one commenter, or Church official, that makes such a claim. On what, specifically, are you basing your erroneous claim that your opposition claims priests can do no wrong?
You see, we make no false claims. We only assert that there is an anti-Catholic agenda driving the persecution of the Catholic Church. That is the truth, and even you cannot hide the facts (evidence, proof) supporting that claim.
On the other hand, your claims that you were victimized by a priest (30-40 years ago?), which was covered up (again, proof?), so therefore everyone who makes such a claim should be believed - implying that all priests are guilty, or are, as you called them 'little monsters" - are claims that are clearly subject to serious analyses and investigation, and the production of evidence/proof, at a minimum under the rule of law.
Got proof of any of your claims?
Didn't think so.
You're just executing your (well-documented) anti-Catholic agenda, therefore, you have no credibility on this matter. Your hatred for Catholics has replaced your objectivity, you have nothing to offer. Your 15 minutes of 'e-fame' have expired. It is only by the good graces of blog operators and merciful Catholics that you survive in this sphere.
Accept 'this'- your heyday of persecuting innocent priests because you don't like Catholic theology/ideology, or Catholics in general, is over. The truth set us free over 2000 years ago, and it just set Msgr. Lynn free, hopefully for good. Soon, it will set other innocent clergy and wrongly convicted and persecuted Catholics free.
Beware, the bigoted 'little monster' that you and your evil friends created does not come hunting for you, soon.
You make more sense when you blame the communists for the anti-Catholic agenda.
ReplyDeleteWhen was Msgr. Lynn set free ? When did he receive complete freedom to come and go as he wishes ?
Read my statement in context, dear liar and distorter of all truths.
DeleteNo one said Msgr. Lynn was granted complete freedom to come and go as he wishes. Parse your lies with others of your kind - your tricks won't work with me.
Your ignorance of history and the world around you does not excuse your bigotry, lies or your lack of intellectual capability or integrity.
If I made sense to you, I would need to worry about my soul.
"hunting for you, soon."
ReplyDeleteNice blog, Ralph.
If the theme is turning to intimidation, I suppose it's well placed next to the mob trials. I think they call that juxtaposition.
Another leftist dishonestly dealing with context - you all really do that 'groupthink' thing, don't you lemmings? Watch out - cliff ahead!
DeleteImagine what these liars have done with the Catholic clergy abuse item- where no evidence is required?
Keep revealing your dishonesty, bigots, you make our point as you display your pathological lying and hatred for all truths.
Or, is that statement too 'intimidating' to you?
Yet, in all their comments, no real meat there, is there? It is just like the abuse claims against Catholic priests in that regard- mostly lefty hype, lies, distortions- but, no meat.
Leftists must use the power of government (how many priests are being persecuted in states/cities not corrupted by leftists in government?), which they have thoroughly infiltrated, to level the playing field because they simply cannot compete in the marketplace. They cannot compete physically, morally or intellectually unless they have illegally hijacked the venue. And, when they are challenged without the benefit of government regulation and oversight, as they are on this blog (well, for now, at least), they lie, and they cry foul.
Compete on level ground with me with an argument -which is something you will need to construct all by yourself (or maybe your mommy can help you out?), scared, trite little Sarah, don't look to your 'daddy' here to save you.
Well, I can see you're a madman and all that, but I remain curious. Are you saying that the 35 priests on Lynn's list that he did nothing about were all falsely accused? Or are you saying that they were predators and only the mean horrible lefties would want to do anything about it?
DeleteFeel free to continue your compulsion to think about people's mommies and daddies. No one's gonna think it's weird or anything.
Looks like he/she was saying that the list was highly suspect. Also something to the claim that the attacks on the church are politically motivated.
DeleteIts weird to think otherwise, frankly.
ReplyDeleteThe most interesting fact about this story (see above), aside from the obvious leftist teachers union support for this non-Catholic clergy offender, is that only non-leftist media outlets appear to be carrying the story. Just a note of 'interest', would not want to threaten any of the overly [fraudulent?] sensitive types, here.
I wonder what this teachers unions position on the Catholic clergy abuse witch-hunt is/has been? Too bad the public school kids don't have any of that 'useless' USCCB "Zero Tolerance" policy to protect them. Maybe public school kids are simply being offered up to the leftist pagan gods as sacrifices? You know, as it was before Christianity (Catholicism) saved all the children from fates worse than paganism/leftism (see below).
What did I miss now ?
ReplyDeleteSarah - If I feared stupid I would be concerned with JAE's comments, and these monsters are nothing more then what kids fear living underneath their bed I like to use the term cowardly animals but I will push that monster phrase since that is how JAE's POPE describes his clergy, similar to how the Archdiocese of Philadelphia archbishop chaput calls his parishioners pagans.
I would be interested in learning more about this communist twist to his thinking. But then again only if I was reading something from a sane individual and I don't see that in his case since HE makes the comment "The truth set us free over 2000 years ago, and it just set Msgr. Lynn free, hopefully for good", followed by another comment stating "No one said Msgr. Lynn was granted complete freedom to come and go as he wishes". Well you did chuckles. At last check JAE Mr. Lynn is still serving time at St. Williams counting ceiling tiles. I hear he has half of the first floor done eventually moving onto the second floor. We are the liars and distorters. Give me a break.
Sarah, we have seen people like this come and go and this person too will be gone. Until then we need to pat him on the head and say be silent son adults are talking, you should be seen and not heard.
p.s. I would not try and contact Ralph right now. I think he is getting another slap on the wrist
JAE I won't be Waiting... for a response .
Icky- you're barely capable of putting two words together to make a sensible sentence (never mind formulate a defensible position or concept involving many words) and your cowardice is legendary in the blogosphere and in the Philly precincts in which you 'worked' only long enough to win your disability lottery, better let the little gal defend her own silly comments. For your part- answer the question posed to you about the claim of a rape of a female 30-40 years ago- defend yourself, please.
ReplyDeleteFor the eternally simple-minded: Msgr. Lynn was released from the secular prison/penal system - he was freed on bail, and St. Williams is hardly a penal institution. Done there.
But, the pathological liars should keep making their 'contributions'- these tidbits do present a good opportunity to evaluate the pathological mind, the same mind that created the Catholic minor abuse 'crisis', and the same pathological minds that create havoc in government in every leftist state/municipality here, and elsewhere.
Good work, lefties!
Are you saying there is a claim out there of me raping a female 30-40 yrs. ago ?Something I need to defend against ?
DeletePlease remember about what I tried to teach you on 1/10 about libel/slander. Because you are a coward and only leave the initials JAE please do not think of yourself as untouchable.
If you wish to see how I defend against such a claim I will start with you.
I suggest you correct two claims you have wrote one being the rape of a woman and second this disability lottery I have won.
Balls in your court. I will be waiting for a response this time.
Dennis Ecker
Icky- you're barely capable of putting two words together to make a sensible sentence (never mind formulate a defensible position or concept involving many words) and your cowardice is legendary in the blogosphere and in the Philly precincts in which you 'worked' only long enough to win your disability lottery, better let the little gal defend her own silly comments. For your part- answer the question posed to you about the claim of a rape of a female 30-40 years ago- defend yourself, please.
For the eternally simple-minded: Msgr. Lynn was released from the secular prison/penal system - he was freed on bail, and St. Williams is hardly a penal institution. Done there.
But, the pathological liars should keep making their 'contributions'- these tidbits do present a good opportunity to evaluate the pathological mind, the same mind that created the Catholic minor abuse 'crisis', and the same pathological minds that create havoc in government in every leftist state/municipality here, and elsewhere.
Good work, lefties!
Well, for heaven's sake, let's keep this comedy going. We need more information regarding how the lefties have ruined everything.
DeleteWhat are your thoughts on the Australian Royal Commission? Don't hold back now. What exactly is going on over there?
What happened to Marcial Maciel? Was he framed by pathological liars?
And, more importantly, what are your thoughts on the new Pope? Have the lefties ruined him too? He did call those clergy little monsters. Is he a big fat liar?
Look at the world- Communism and Socialism seem to be wrought with the worst social and economic ills. Those political systems have historically oppressed or attacked Catholics.
DeleteDid someone defend Maciel- an admitted criminal?
Do hope the Australian Commission is not politically motivated. Since just about everything is, we'll see if its a fair investigation, or something else.
You seem to excel at misreading comments with which you disagree.
She also got it wrong about the Pope's little monster comment. He wasn't referring to those clergy with abuse claims against them. She should have read his comments before distorting them.
DeleteShe also isn't aware of the battle within the church between its liberal and conservative theologians.
More learning less talking required here.
Why, my hands are trembling so much I can barely write a legible word (now I know what it feels like to be you, Icky!)
ReplyDeleteAnd, rather comically, you provide yet another fine example of not being able to read, comprehend or understand the written word.
And, I'll leave it at that because your faux outrage, in addition to your expressed imbecility, is just too, too precious to not sit back, and simply enjoy.
Your talking to idiots, give up.
Delete"You're..." edit
Delete@jae Not to get involved in your tiff with Dennis but most hosts will allow you to place analytics or other tracking on the site or blog and allow you to view the access logs which would give you the IP address.. You can then subpoena the ISP of that IP address to provide you the customer information for who's using that IP address.. but.. then what will you do?
ReplyDeleteSimply, if Dennis pushes the issue who wins ?
Anonymous: I'll assume you're trying to be helpful or trying to diffuse what appears to be the escalation of a blog exchange. And, I'll leave it at that with you, thank you. l will happily rely on my First Amendment protections to support my speech.
ReplyDeleteLet "Dennis push" whatever it is he thinks he is capable of pushing. For my money, he couldn't push a ball down a hill.
But, let's not lose sight of exactly what happened in our exchange: he was challenged to respond to the possibility of false claims being made against him. And, what did he do? He immediately ran to the threat posture. Interestingly, he apparently didn't do as much when he [claims] he was abused by a priest. More importantly, he isn't very, or at all sympathetic to the hundreds of priests faced with similar challenges. How the stripes on this paper tiger have changed.
And, how absolutely ironic given his position on the likelihood of false claims against innocent priests, within the context of his own claims, that he doesn't see the duplicity of his actions - then, and now.
I guess the shoe doesn't fit the shoemaker so well.
Just precious.
@jae If your claims against Dennis are true and you can prove it in a court of law you will be protected under the First Amendment. If you fail to have any evidence to defend against the complaint filed by Dennis a judgment could be ruled in his favor.
DeleteReviewing your comment at 5:13 you are making a claim of rape 30 to 40 years ago that he needs to defend and the winning of a disability lottery. The complaints he will most likely voice to the judge if he does file a libel suit.
Suggestion: work this out or it can cost you both in legal fees.
Thank You for your input Anonymous, but JAE knows what he/she must do.
DeleteYeah. One big difference though. You knowingly made a false claim. Not the possibility of one.
DeleteI agree, you should settle your differences so we can continue rounding out your world view. What the heck is going on with the new Pope?
You people really can't read.
DeleteWhat's your problem with the Pope (aside from your hatred of his religion)?
re: Deleted Post - Judges Words Come back to Haunt Her......
ReplyDeletefor anyone who might be interested, here's a link to the public source document:
The Icky genius, who could not have been more perfect in making my point, and his Anonymous blog "attorney" - who knows about as much about law as does Icky, failed to read my 11Jan 5:50 post which sets up my 12 Jan 5:13 post.
ReplyDeleteThis takedown was so easy, it is embarrassing. I am built for bigger game than you two bunnies.
It would be an insult to the word STUPID to use it to describe your cognitive abilities and your threats. I am not a Catholic priest that will bullied by you or your criminal cohorts.
But, your honor Mr. Ecker is not sympathetic to hundreds of priests. What are you a sissy? Now the 1/11 post was a setup for the 1/12 post. Looking for excuses ? You are now officially JAE Dennis Ecker's bitch.
Delete...and were does Anonymous claim to be a attorney ? Not to sound insulting but I pictured computer geek.
You have a nice day now ya here.
Mommy, Dennis is not being nice to our child abusing, child raping, child murdering priests.
Oh God, You made my day.
Dennis, you need to calm down and be civil.
DeleteIts been taken care of. However I will only accept his excuse once.
DeleteTaken care of how.....anesthesia?
DeleteMsgr. Lynn is restricted to two floors of the rectory that ARE NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. In order to celebrate a PUBLIC Mass (he can celebrate a valid PRIVATE Mass or a Mass for whoever is legally allowed to visit him,) or perform any other minesterial service, he would have to go to the church, which is not in bounds of his home confinement, or to the PUBLIC areas of the rectory, which oddly enough are NOT in bounds of his home confinement either. Either event would require advance permission from his PAROLE (?!?) Officer; permission that likely would never be given. Thus, Msgr Lynn CANNOT function pubically as a priest, or as ANYTHING ELSE. Archbishop Chaput was probably told to say this so that if Williams et al accuse Msgr Lynn of violating parole, that the Church is not accused of "aiding and abeting." Also, when priests are being tried for felony crimes, they are usually placed on administrative leave AND REMAIN THERE until all aspects of the judicial process are completed, including any sentence to be served if convicted. This is particularly true if the accused priest's lawful movements are restricted in a manner such as Msgr Lynn's are.
ReplyDeletePosted by your #1 blogger on another site:
ReplyDelete"Dennis Ecker January 11, 2014 at 4:02 pm
I am glad you did not take such a permanent step. You being here with us serves such a better purpose. Your words maybe read by someone who feels the same way you did and says to himself if Mr. Jim Tucker can do it so can I.
Those other sites believe for some reason we are out to destroy their church only because people are speaking up and telling the truth of what they had to experience. I will no longer try and understand the thinking of those who post comments and attack victims. I do believe though the authors of those blogs are the ones who stoke the fire.
I am very guilty of falling into the traps of those sites and cannot believe some things I have wrote but when I come here my demeanor changes so much for the better.
Thank you for staying with us, and may we always keep in our thoughts those who left us because of the pain they suffered."
Dennis - Your memory is slipping on what you said yourself or you perhaps you just feel it necessary to lie your way through life.
I think my comment shows exactly what I meant.
DeleteSorry you don't feel the same way but I wii not apologize.
JAE is a priest?! Why are you on a message board getting in conflict with people that you do not know? What about the people in your parish? Is there a lonely elderly person who could use someone to talk to? Are there sick people in the hospital who could use prayers and comfort? Perhaps take a walk around the neighborhood and be a friendly representative of the Catholic Church and let the faithful know that their clergy actually lives among them and cares for their needs? Perhaps the misuse of your time may shed some light on why the Church is in bad shape. I am sure the faithful in your parish want a kind and caring priest, not an angry, argumentative person who confronts people that he does not know on the computer. Have a nice day:)
ReplyDeleteJAE is a priest ? Means nothing to me. He wishes to push buttons and defend his quilty priests or attack people who do not agree with him. Then he is fair game like anyone else. That is one of the things I noticed over time. You can't talk to him like that because he is a priest. WRONG. He will receive respect if he shows respect.
DeleteHey Dennis-read the comment more closely. I do not think it was complementary of JAE and did not suggest to give JAE any more than the due respect.
DeleteHe cant read or comprehend, that's his problem, and the problem with anything he submits. Highly suspect.
Deletejust dripping with venom for priests, aren't we?
DeleteI have been a lurker on here for a while and want to share a few points:
ReplyDelete1. I find this whole situation ironic. Lynn is being treated by the criminal justice system as he had treated alleged victims of abuse. Many people are outraged by the treatment that Lynn has received, yet they do not share the same outrage over Lynn's complicit behavior. While Lynn's behavior may not have been criminal, it was not moral either.
2. What is with the "anti Catholic bigot" rhetoric? Why are people who disagree with the Church's behavior labeled a bigot? It seems to me that calling someone a bigot limits any opportunity for real discussion. How can one reasonably respond to being called a bigot? It ends all discussion. Are people who disagree with Seth Williams racist?
3. Why does everyone take this story at face value? Could Seth Williams be in bed with the Church? Take down Lynn, but do not touch Cistone or Rigali. Is such a bargain out of the realm of possibility?
To Anon 9:59 AM:
Delete1. " While Lynn's behavior may not have been criminal, it was not moral either." I'm trying really hard to believe that you didn't actually write that. The guy has just done a long stretch in prison. If people are to be put away for immoral behavior, please re-read all Ralph's posts on the behavior of judges, DA officials, attorneys, cops and jury members. You find the "whole situation ironic"? My friend, your comment is about as ironic as it gets.
2. What is with the "anti Catholic bigot" rhetoric?" Really? Have you been lurking - or sleeping?
"Are people who disagree with Seth Williams racist?" Nope. Zero evidence of racial bigotry.
I'd go back to lurking if I were you.
DeleteI think you read my post a little too literally. So allow me to clarify:
1. I did not say that Lynn should go to jail for immoral behavior. Instead, I was pointing out that Lynn did not do a good job as the Secretary of the Clergy. At his trial, Lynn stated that things "fell through the cracks." He even admitted that he could have and should have done better. Some instances of alleged abuse were not confronted. In short, Lynn was incompetent and, frankly, immoral (we are talking about alleged sex abuse, not something that is trivial). Now, compare Lynn's job performance to the job of Sarmina. I see Lynn as being very similar to Sarmina. Strange bedfellows perhaps, but their job performance was very similar.
2. The anti-Catholic bigot phrase is just laughable. Consider the history of the word, especially in America. Sorry, but someone who does not agree with the Church's decisions or behavior does not make them a bigot. Throwing around the bigot phrase also prevents people from having real dialogue about these issues. How can one respond to being called a bigot? And freely using such a phrase suggests that there is no substance to your arguments. Kind of like, "I have nothing really to say, so I'll just call you a name." Also, consider Bishops Kenrick and Neumann. Or how about Archbishop Wood, Ryan, and Prendergast. They faced true anti-Catholic bigotry. Obviously, calling people who disagree with Seth Williams racist is ridiculous and you're right, there is no evidence of racial bigotry. However, I just used it as a juxtaposition to the anti-Catholic bigot phrase, as both statements are ridiculous.
3. You never responded to my last part. Do you think the Church could have struck a deal with the DA to prevent the prosecution of higher ups? Take Lynn, hands off Cistone and Rigali. It makes some sense.
Lastly, why do people think Seth Williams is going after the Church to score political points? The Democrats in Philly can roll out a dead person and win. Why would he even need to beat up on the Church?
Thank you and have a nice day.
Anonymous, 9:30AM.
DeleteI appreciate your response.
I don't think you can equate Lynn's behavior with Sarmina's. Lynn's was clumsy but not malevolent. Sarmina's was both.
Anti-Catholic bigotry is alive and well in the US. "The last acceptable prejudice." Please familiarize yourself with the work of TheMediaReport and Catholic League, both of which do an excellent job of highlight this iniquity.
This bigotry explains the asymmetry (if not disconnect) between what actually happened in the Church from the mid 60s to mid 80s and how that has been reported by the mainstream media since 2002. It was actually a homosexual issue, not a pedophilia one (society has that problem, epidemically, today). All sorts of groups have, over the last decade, used the historical abuse issue of the Church as a way to attack the Church today (again, the asymmetry) - for all sorts of reasons and agendas, the least of which is usually concern about vulnerable children. The only thing they have in common is their bigotry and hysteria.
On the third point, with the greatest respect, I don't normally comment on conspiracy theories (one of the posters on here believes SNAP is a Catholic organization!). They are, in fact, one of the bigoted groups I allude to above. A very hysterical one at that.
And on the fourth point, you would be better qualified than me to comment on that.
1. You are correct. I just don't think we should be putting people in prison for moral lapses otherwise we are going to need lots more prisons.
ReplyDelete2. Both points valid. I suppose the fact it seems only Catholic Church being targeted makes the allegations seem valid but your point is well taken.
3. Could be, one never knows. Lynn certainly seemed like a fall guy.
I will assume since no one was attacked today by you (until now) on a comment they have left you were checking on what today's modern technology can accomplish or licking your wounds. Personally I could care less who you are but you must know even if the discussions get heated you must remain civil or you and only you will force the dog to bite.
ReplyDeleteYour excuse of hypothetical scenarios will not always be accepted.
Code for Dennis will threaten to sue.
DeleteYeah, not exactly licking my wounds, not in my DNA.
DeleteThe moderator has decided to censor me far more heavily than he does you, apparently (perhaps you are being used as a lure to increase 'traffic"?), so, I will bow out since I don't function very well under such onerous handicaps.
See ya-
Darn it. You never answered my question. Were the 35 priests on Lynn's list falsely accused?
DeleteI am not shocked by JAE to move on we have seen it before.
DeleteI only can hope he runs away learning something. Although there must have been a spark to light his fire to post here, he could still shut down his computer and walk away without a second thought.
But clergy abuse victims and our families along with the convicted and their families live this hell 24/7.
I will not miss JAE because I know with his departure eventually another person with a closed mind with excuses will fill his spot.
So today we finally see mercy from Judge Sarmina. To a cop killer.
ReplyDeleteIs she on a career suicide mission?
DeleteShe's already done....not even fit for traffic court at this point.