for Bigtrial.net
At the start of his cross-examination, Jack McMahon greeted the prosecution's star witness with a slap upside the head.
"I'd appreciate it if you look at me when I talk," the defense lawyer admonished Jeffrey Walker.
McMahon, a flashy former prosecutor with a white mustache and a shaved head, then spent the next six hours pummeling the witness.
On the receiving end, Walker, a big bearded former narcotics cop who entered the courtroom wearing handcuffs and a drab green prison jumpsuit, seemed used to taking abuse.
"We know you were a thief, right?" McMahon asked the fallen cop that another defense lawyer has characterized to the jury as a train wreck.
"Yes, I was," Walker admitted.
"You're a thief and a historical liar," McMahon added.
"I lie," Walker admitted. "I continued my thievery until I was arrested."
On May 23, 2013, Walker got caught red-handed in an FBI sting operation planting cocaine on a drug dealer and helping himself to $15,000 of the dealer's money while undercover cameras were rolling. After he was arrested, Walker turned on six of his fellow former narcs, telling the feds that they used to routinely beat and rob drug dealers.
McMahon was the lead defense attorney in the campaign to discredit the prosecution's star witness. He certainly brought a lot of enthusiasm to the job The only problem for the defense is that Walker is such a forlorn sap who previously was the butt of jokes from the defendants that the jury might start feeling sorry for the guy.
Walker, of course, may be a thief, a liar and a sap, but the only thing that matters is whether the jury believes him.
McMahon started his demo job by going back to the beginning of Walker's career. The big guy who used to wear dreadlocks got started as a cop in 1989. Five years later, Walker admitted on the stand, while working as an officer in the 16th District, he stole money for the first time.
McMahon pointed out that Walker was a thief and a liar before he worked narcotics with the defendants, and he was a thief and a liar two years after he left the narcotics squad and got busted in the FBI sting.
Walker's defense was that he was a thief and liar before, during and after his time on the narcotics squad.
McMahon got Walker to admit that he's planted drugs on people so many times that he's lost count.
"Yes, and I did it with them too," Walker said pointing to the defendants.
That's not what I asked you, McMahon yelled at the witness.
McMahon also got Walker to admit that time after time he came into court and lied on the witness stand about the evidence he had planted on people.
"You would lie to a jury in a jury trial?" McMahon asked.
"Yes," Walker said.
And those lies resulted in innocent people going to jail, McMahon asked.
"At times yes," Walker admitted.
And what did you do with the money you stole from the drug dealers, the defense lawyer wanted to know. Did you spend it on "wine, women and song?"
"That's correct," Walker said. At another point in his testimony, Walker admitted, "The money I stole that was my play money."
McMahon went through Walker's statement to the FBI after he got busted in the sting operation.
"I knew when I went into that [drug dealer's] house, I crossed the line," Walker had told the feds.
McMahon read that quote out loud to the jury. And then he shouted at the witness, "You crossed it 25 years ago," the first time you stole money, the defense lawyer said. You lied to the FBI.
"It wasn't a con," Walker responded.
"You crossed that line a long, long, long time ago," McMahon said for emphasis.
"Yes, I did," Walker reluctantly agreed.
McMahon drew on Walker's direct testimony on Tuesday, where he told the prosecutor he stole from drug dealers because "I wanted money."
Here, Walker drew a line. He sang to the feds because he wanted to "save myself," Walker insisted.
"I'm willing to save myself from myself," he said, by finally telling the truth. "They were part of the truth," Walker said pointing to the defendants. In telling the truth, Walker said, he was trying "to save my soul."
"I was forced to see the truth in myself," he said.
McMahon, however, pointed out that with all the crimes Walker has confessed to, all the times he planted drugs on people and robbed drug dealers, he's not been charged for any of it.
"You've gotten a pass for all these crimes," McMahon told the witness.
Walker agreed, but said the cooperation agreement he signed with the government stipulated that he had to tell the truth this time on the witness stand.
"If I lie, I will be charged," Walker said. And if the feds throw the book at him for all the crimes he's committed, he could be in jail for life.
"I could never walk out of there," Walker told the jury.
McMahon brought up Walker's personal life, which includes a couple of failed marriages, depression, and a drinking problem.
Because of his personal problems, Walker admitted he was showing up drunk for work, and falling asleep on the job, including when he was on some surveillance operations.
Walker also had a weight problem that he solved by undergoing gastric bypass surgery. His fellow narcs, Walker testified, responded by making fun of him.
"They were making jokes about my life," Walker said of the defendants. "Only one person was supportive of me and that was [Linwood] Norman," who like Walker, is an African-American.
After Norman left the narcotics squad, "I was by myself," Walker said. "They forced me to work alone," he said of the defendants.
A low point was the day when Walker couldn't remember what he did with his service revolver.
"I misplaced my gun," he said. "My gun was in the car; I found it under a seat."
Walker testified about how he reacted to being ostracized by his fellow officers.
"I would do anything to get back in good graces with them," he said. That included lying to cover for his fellow officers.
On top of screwing up on the job and being ridiculed by his fellow officers, Walker testified, his boss, Sgt. Joe McCloskey, was mean to him.
"Every mistake I made he made it bigger than it was," Walker complained about his boss. "He was riding me."
The sergeant knew he had a drinking problem, Walker said. He knew Walker showed up drunk on the job and was carrying a gun. He should have gotten me some help, Walker complained. Instead, "He did nothing," Walker said about Sgt. McCloskey.
At one point, Walker said, his girlfriend urged him to seek counseling. Walker walked into one treatment facility but ended up splitting. His fellow officers were sent to his home. But Walker denied McMahon's suggestion that he had barricaded himself in the house.
"I was going through a lot of problems," Walker said. " I made a lot of mistakes."
McMahon asked about the narcs' method of putting a drug dealer "on ice."
Walker explained how that process applied to Robert Kushner, a white drug dealer they caught on Ridge Avenue driving his maroon Hummer. In the back of the Hummer Kushner had stashed a bag of money containing $30,000 and five pounds of marijuana.
"We put him on ice so he could think about what he was doing," Walker explained.
Kushner went to the Fifth District. Meanwhile, Officer Thomas Liciardello, who took Kushner's keys, then drove the Hummer with Walker in it over to Kushner's apartment on City Line Avenue. There, they ransacked the place and left with a safe with $80,000 inside.
It was Walker who carried the safe down 18 flights of stairs because Liciardello knew there were security cameras in the elevator, Walker told the jury.
"Tommy said take the safe," Walker testified. "I picked it up and carried it out. It was heavy."
In response to McMahon's questions, Walker explained to the jury how he dragged Kushner out of his car and thoroughly intimidated him.
"We scared him to death," Walker said. "I towered over him. I was screaming at him. He had no choice. You scare someone half to death they're gonna give something up."
McMahon took Walker to task for exaggerating stories about the narcs' exploits. The defense lawyer pointed out on one statement to the FBI, Walker had claimed that fellow narcotics officer Linwood Norman had hung a handcuffed drug dealer upside down by his feet over a balcony.
"I say a lot of things," Walker responded.
"I know you say a lot of things," McMahon shot back. "On that I agree with you."
Walker testified that he routinely didn't count the money he stole; a contention that McMahon seemed incredulous at.
"If it's a lot of money," Walker insisted, "I'm kind of lazy. I don't count it."
During his cross-examination, McMahon was accused by the prosecutors of frequently cutting off Walker's answers, talking over the witness and repeatedly asking the same questions.
Several times today, Judge Eduardo C. Robreno agreed, admonishing McMahon for yelling at the witness. The judge also repeatedly upheld the prosecution's objections to McMahon's cross examination, prompting quick apologies of questionable sincerity from the defense lawyer.
"Keep your voice down," the judge told McMahon. "We're not deaf."
The judge got angry about spectators snickering over McMahon's sarcastic remarks to Walker. During a break, the court clerk warned spectators that anyone seen laughing or making comments would be evicted from the courtroom.
Hey little boy blues.Hold your drinks up high and toast to Tommy and the gang getting back out on the streets.It's just not safe out here on the streets without them..Lol even a rapist gets bail.That's the scumbag level this meatball was on.Not long before the wifey starts looking elsewhere.And Karma is a bitch.Maybe a nice and respectable drug dealer can start taking care of your woman for you.
DeleteAND THATS WHY no one feels bad for people like you, you belong in jail, where im sure you have been and im sure youll be again.
DeleteWalker was a crooked cop before being assigned to this unit and after he left this unit.
ReplyDeleteHe has confessed to an innumerable amount of crimes. And yet, with all the crimes Walker has confessed to, he has not been charged with any crime. The cooperation agreement he signed with the government depends on how well he performs on the stand for the prosecution. If he lies and tells his version of events, the prosecution is going to reward him with a light sentence. So, of course he is going to lie to make the best deal for himself.
Here is a guy who was showing up drunk for work, and falling asleep on the job, including when he was on some surveillance operations. These guys ostracized him because he was a bad cop and was going to get them killed.
This is his only shot at revenge.
I was terrorized byTom L,and his narcotic squad,he raided my two buildings, August 22nd 2009,I can tell you from experience these cops are dirty, and crazy, never in my life did I ever come across that craziness in a cop, there's more to the story, I spent a year in jail, my constitutional rights, there was none, Tom L was judge jury and executioner, I'm still messed up over it, how his supervisors, how judges down the courthouse didn't see it, and let him run around for 10 years, like Hitler's SS troops, until you get your constitutional rights trampled on when you talk to me,
ReplyDeleteYou were terrorized???? Oh you poor thing. You were a drug dealer. You tore families apart. You took children away from their parents. You left children without parents. You killed people. You are a despicable piece of scum. You have no problems when you are selling drugs. Cops take that away from you and its everyone elses fault but your own. Jeffrey Walker has the same criminal mentality. Its all fine and dandy when you haven't been caught but as soon as you do, its the judge's fault, its the officer's fault, its my co-workers fault etc. So sorry you are so messed up over spending a year in jail. I can just imagine how messed up that mother is who's son you sold drugs to.
Deleteeverything you said about me is true, I was hey scumbag drug dealer, tore families apart,Exedra Exedra Exedra, that's why the judge gave me 17 years, but I didn't do it with a badge, I was just a greedy scumbag,but I wasn't a hypocrite,I did A year in jail, but I was facing 25 years if I would have been convictedI went on trial, Tommy and the boys, crooked cops testified against me, the judge said there was no evidence!!!, it got thrown out at trial, there was no evidence I did anything wrong, no probable cause, Tommy sat on the stand he thought I was selling drugs, the judge as Tommy, if he thought he had him up, the judge was outraged!, I thought I was going away for 25 years, until it happens to you sweetheart, then we can talk
DeleteI was terrorized byTom L,and his narcotic squad,he raided my two buildings, August 22nd 2009,I can tell you from experience these cops are dirty, and crazy, never in my life did I ever come across that craziness in a cop, there's more to the story, I spent a year in jail, my constitutional rights, there was none, Tom L was judge jury and executioner, I'm still messed up over it, how his supervisors, how judges down the courthouse didn't see it, and let him run around for 10 years, like Hitler's SS troops, until you get your constitutional rights trampled on when you talk to me,
ReplyDeleteBilly C and JG grow up and take responsibility for your choices in life instead of counting on a lying piece of shit like use 2. I WAS VIOLATED you 2 little Cunt got caught and are looking for a deal frim the only guy who is dirty out of these 6 cops.
DeleteU were busted for selling drugs u idiots and want to skate on a admitted drunken lying robbing dirty cop planting drugs and geting caught then blaming others for his misfortunes because he got caught instead of taking responsibility for his actions. Looking for a get out of Jail free card so he turns on his unit. U idiots really believe the Jury doesnt see he.s lying if so i have a bridge to sell you on the river.
ReplyDeleteNOT GUILTY U DRUG DEALING PIECES OF SHIT. They did.nt believe him and sure as hell did.nt believe use.
You must be a cop since you wanna defend these crumbs they are guilty an thats what the verdict is gonna be. They are suppose to serve an protect not rob. Lie . An abuse people cause they wanna live a better life you dont know anything.
ReplyDeleteI was in the courtroom yesterday. Jeffrey Walker testified that "he went and got the tools to break open the safe." When asked by Jack McMahon where he got the tools from, Jeff's reply.."I don't remember." Jeff doesn't remember because the Feds forgot to tell him that part of the story. There were so many instances of this that went on that there is no way a jury isn't catching on that his entire testimony was fed to him.
ReplyDeleteA jury will never be able to give a guilty verdict after his testimony yesterday. He was caught in so many lies. He also contradicting so much of what other witnesses have already said. The goverment also was caught yet again yesterday. McMahon read an excerpt from the grand jury report where Walker testifies to them that they all entered the property without a search warrant. Then McMahon puts a copy up of the search warrant for the judge and jury to see. The feds, once again, were caught showing that they put liars in front of a grand jury without ever checking to see if their statements were true.
ReplyDeleteI am inside News Media. The Pro Ex Narc writers on this page are more then misleading, even in their opinion, they are wrong. However, every opinion on this page has Freedom of Speech and thus-Supports and Protects our Constitutional Amendments. I do not support Those Officers on Federal Trial and its is also not my job by far to Convict them. And in my opinion only, all of these Ex Narcotic officers will be found guilty of most of the 22 count indictment if not all of the counts. The Federal Courts have proven beyond reasonable doubt that Those six officers have committed some sorts of criminal acts, and the defense attorneys just have not done enough to prove Those ex officers did not. Also, this jury was allowed to hear all the Civil Rights Violations in this case already and in my Opinion(and in many of my co workers opinions), the jury will view this case as "IF ANY OFFICER OF THE LAW WOULD WILLING VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTION OF ANY AMERICAN, THEN IT WOULD BE THAT MUCH MORE EASIER FOR THEM TO BREAK COMMON LAW".
ReplyDeleteAnd this statement above is exactly why no one can believe the media and we are told time and time again that the media gives the public the "facts" they think will sound good. You have just proven that point. You just stated that the "defense attorneys just have not done enought to prove Those ex officers did not". The defense has not even put on their case yet!!!!! You are a complete idiot and s disgrace to your profession.
DeleteInside news media does not write the shit you just wrote. Please get a life.
DeleteIf you are inside news media how come you have not reported that Officer Speiser is not mentioned at all in discovery and was never fingered by Walker? REPLACED Walker, didn't work with him. He's basically a side bar in this whole trial. Not accused of planting evidence, beating people, etc, etc. Indicted for falsifying documents, but no witnesses, not one who pointed a finger at him.
DeletePlease let us know your "inside news media" opinion again in 7 weeks LOL
DeleteKushner probably wrote this!! HAHA
ReplyDeleteNo. Its just by chance i have worked for several News Media covering this Story on Corruption in the Phila. Police dept. I also have several years working in the Pa. Judicial system processing Violations and claims against the City of Phila. in of itself.
DeleteI have also worked with Politicians in Harrisburg to Amend and Revise Our Constitution and the State Rules, as far as how they are applied. These officers on trial have in my opinion- Have been Granted a Fair Trial. And again, I believe they have nothing to offer in terms of their own individual defense (despite all of them acting as one sole group), with the amount of evidence piled up against them. "If they continue to climb this mountain ( at best) they will barely survive the Avalanche(sure to come yet)...and this will be the only solitary reason these officers are sentenced to 40 years plus but not Life in prison.
40 years plus is a death sentence in prison given their ages. Solitary confinement in a Supermax prison will be the safest place in prison for them.
DeleteYes, definitely Kushner!!
DeleteMakr them and they fammly pay like theyy did us. Let theh kids get scared and let they wifes of husband get tossed around. They familyy sjould go to jaila along time with the six copsss on trial Guiltttyyyy all the way and they familyb shuld go down and to jail too and the kids should go to jail with dad.
ReplyDeleteLess time in the street, more time in English class.
DeleteYou should probably try the drug trade , because apparently you didn't pay attention in school. Maybe you can be a taste tester for Oxy Contin, and let see if you top the other clown and maybe eat 12 a day.
DeleteThe feds told Walker to say he didn't count any of his money. How else could they explain the discprencies that Walker said he stole and the drug dealers said they had stolen. If its a lie, you always have to get your stories straight. Pretty sad that they think a jury is gonna believe someone isn't counting their money.
ReplyDeleteback in the 1990'S I received a 17-year federal prison sentencein in front of James T Giles, a federal judge, I almost passed out, but I know first hand about that building, I also was a drug dealer like the crooked cops, and a thief, just like Tommy L and his crew of crooked cops,I got locked up by honest cops, just doing their job, there is nobody going to sell drugs and stealing this city and not get caught, it took me to learn the hard way, and I came across a lot of crazy people in my life, but Tommy L and his crooked cops, where the scariest people I came acrossed, my constitutional rights with trashed, because I used to be a big drug dealer, I did my time got out, got a job, and never was I ever going to break the law again, until Tommy L and his gang showed up, he terrorized me, knowing that I had nobody to go to that would listen to me, because I was an ex-con, I did not understand what was happening, tommy said he was going to get me a life sentence,if I did not give in to his demands, it reminded me of the Jews in Germany during the Second World War, which my father fought in, and was wounded, fighting for our constitutional rights, I have more on my resume, what you people think that these cops are innocent, you know that ain't true deep down, where was Tommy's wife, coming home from a shift with thousands of dollars, jewelry, and drugs, that he stole from drug dealers,do you think the wife said where you getting all the money and drugs and jewelry, the families had to know,I started to think my father fought in World War 2 for nothing, let someone with a badge go around every day and violate the constitutional rights of Americans, if someone breaks the law lock them up, like I got locked up and did 17 years, but don't steal because you got a badge, how hard was that, more on my resume if you want to know
ReplyDeleteso let me get this straight, "honest police officers" arrested you in the 90's and you did 17 years...then these guys just found you..but you were living an "honest" "stand-up" life. they made you give in to their "demands"? and if you didnt you would end up with a life sentence ? and all because17 years prior you were a big drug dealer? thats a long time my friend for cops to remember you and then find you, even a long time for other people to remember your name to send them to you if you were just living an honest, clean life once you got out. Sounds as believable as Jeff Walker "not remembering" where he got the tools to break in to a safe. ( aka the feds didnt tell him where he got the tools) or that he never counted the money he stole because "if it was alot he was to lazy" ( weird, he could have been a millionaire and never even known it) that or he doesnt know how much the drug dealers said they took so if he gave a different amount the numbers wouldnt match up. i hope that you did learn a lesson from doing that much time in prison, but something tells me if cops know you SEVENTEEN YEARS after the fact that your not working 9-5 going to happy hour with your colleges and then home to your wife and kids.
Deleteresponding to you, I got a 17 year federal sentence, on my 10th year I won an appeal, and I got out after 10 years, yesTommy L knew me as being a big time drug dealer,and yes I thought I was in a Stephen King horror movie, because I could not make any sense of it, that I was not selling drugs, and I was being threatened with a life sentence with a phony arrest by him, I am not making this up, this actually happened to me, I could not figure out his motiveto give me a life sentence I knew the other motive was moneybut the frustrating was I was broke !why is it so hard to believe that they do these things, and the crooked cops did it to me,at the time I did not understand it myself, the feds do not investigate you, unless you're doing something wrong! That's why the feds were watching that crew of crooked cops, they don't look at innocent people,
Deleteohhh the good old goodwin brothers! YOU took a deal with the feds and gave up your own family and then continued to make and sell Meth even after you got off on a plea deal, even after you had already served time in prison prior to all of that. BUT this time after serving ten years you cleaned up your act- live a clean life style, surround your self with nice people ( not the K&A gang anymore right??), i guess Tom L must have been just at home googling "drug dealers that have recently been released from prison" and found your address ( wink wink ) or maybe you still surrounded your self with the same criminals that you did your whole life? maybe? so although i will give it to you, you sound well educated for a highschool drop out...stop trolling this site to give your boo whoo story of how your rights were violated and your dad fought in the war for those rights and yada yada yada your whole family are criminals and in to drugs to.this.day, and out of respect in general i wont go into that.
DeleteJohn G..or whoever you are..blow me with your resume. Maybe you should have thought of the kids who's lives you ruined with your poison. Cry me a fuckin river with your bullshit...you are part of the problem not the solution
ReplyDeleteit's the greed that gets us! it's the greed that gets us caught,it's the greed that got the crooked cops caught, I'm not crying, I'm being truthful, there's no difference between me and Tommy L and his crooked gang with a badge,then x cops didn't do that to protectand serve, they did it for the money, greed ,get you all the time,,! I say a prayer for Tommy and the boys, because I know what's in store for them in their future, and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, I will say a prayer for them
DeleteHeck with a prayer for them(above). Let them rot and burn in hell all six of them cops. They are cursed a thousand times over!!!! In the end God will be the one and only on one to forgive them im sure. And let they wives and children pay the sins of they fathers(the 6 ex cops) so that they understand too that reaping the rewards of they crooked dads is not right and so they must suffer too!!!! No one has sympathy for dirty cops....no one One!!!!
DeleteMr. Goodwin...didnt you have meth in your house on Frankford Ave? Yeah..you were living the straight and narrow life. Lies will get you too.
Deleteyou would have to ask Tommy L. how it got there, he was holding true to his promise, with a fake search warrant then 4 months later a fake one for my arrest, with no effing evidence!! They playing is it there, I don't expect you to believe it, 3 people know the truth me Tommy L and God, I know the truth he planted them drugs there I was working at the time, and the judge seems to think so too, it was the worst comes the judge scene as far as someone's rights being trampled on,
Deletecorrection, a warrant for my arrest
Deletecorrection they planted it there
DeleteI don't hide behind anonymous names, I give you my real name and tell the truth, when the crooked cops get found guilty,the government will give them a chance to cooperate on other cops or people, so they don't get a big sentence sentence, that'show the feds work,and then don't start the forfeiture, taking everythingthat is not nailed down,
DeleteI don't hide behind anonymous names, I give you my real name and tell the truth, when the crooked cops get found guilty,the government will give them a chance to cooperate on other cops or people, so they don't get a big sentence sentence, that'show the feds work,and then don't start the forfeiture, taking everythingthat is not nailed down,
DeleteJohn G. Let these friends of these dirty narcs talk shit. In the end when they are proven wrong and their boys the six Aholes ex narcs get sent up the river....they will cry that the cops got railroaded and they will get back on appeals(not!). F them their opinions dont mean shit. When one of the ex dirty narcs buys his daughter all these lavish gifts for christ sake shes only 15yrs old! Then the other Ahole ex narc gives his kid sports gear only pros can afford wtf...idiot! Now the wife of the stupidist ex narc Tom L. HAD ALL THAT MONEY SAVED AND HAD TO GIVE IT ALL BACK TO THE LAWYER MISTER JACK ASS....LOL He took that cash fast as can be. Wtf he truly care about a dirty cop...shit....his defended criminals dope dealers and even murderers his entire career. And as for the Nut Norman ex dirty fag cop....stop telling family members your thinking suicide. Your black brother! It a make your transition to homo in prison alittle easier.
Deletecorrection they planted it there
Deletecorrection, a warrant for my arrest
Deleteyou would have to ask Tommy L. how it got there, he was holding true to his promise, with a fake search warrant then 4 months later a fake one for my arrest, with no effing evidence!! They playing is it there, I don't expect you to believe it, 3 people know the truth me Tommy L and God, I know the truth he planted them drugs there I was working at the time, and the judge seems to think so too, it was the worst comes the judge scene as far as someone's rights being trampled on,
Deleteit's the greed that gets us! it's the greed that gets us caught,it's the greed that got the crooked cops caught, I'm not crying, I'm being truthful, there's no difference between me and Tommy L and his crooked gang with a badge,then x cops didn't do that to protectand serve, they did it for the money, greed ,get you all the time,,! I say a prayer for Tommy and the boys, because I know what's in store for them in their future, and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, I will say a prayer for them
DeleteThings happened to me with these cops on trial but fuck it. I won some and lost some and thats how it is when in the streets dealing. I didnt rat didnt need to and they tried hard to get me too. But i dont wish this shit on these cops family and kids. Nah...they had nothing to do with what went on with these cops. But the cops will either beat or lose they case and to me it dont matter either way!
ReplyDeleteJohn Goodwin please go back to school and get some education please. You can't spell or even form a sentence properly and you post the same comment 4 and 5 times. I wonder why you turned to selling drugs to make a living, you are a damn dope, listen to yourself. If you weren't selling drugs, they would of never had you on their radar to begin with, they just don't grab a name out of the air and say lets go set him up. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone selling drugs to your kids or grandkids, I have no mercy on drug dealers or drug users and I have the upmost respect for the PPD. Keep in mind people who do wrong in life usually don't like cops like yourself, and there is no way in hell any jury will come back with a guilty verdict listening to all these half ass stories that keep changing on a daily basis, its more then ridiculous at this point. If I was you I would stay off the internet and thank god your not still in prison
ReplyDeleteYo Anonymous 2.58 what does somones kid have to do with anything. May be just Maybe its time for THERAPYYYYY! !!!!!""""""""
ReplyDeleteWell come give me therapy...you aint no cop no more...you arent SHIT!!!