For Bigtrial.net
Were they cops who bent the rules or criminals who broke the law?
That's the only question that matters for a federal court jury that began deliberations this afternoon in the corruption trial of six former Philadelphia Police Department narcotics officers.
The jury, primarily middle class suburban residents, got the case shortly after noon following a detailed two-hour explanation of the laws that applied to the case by Judge Eduardo Robreno. The judge's charge capped a six-week trial that included days of conflicting testimony from drug dealers (the prosecution's key witnesses) and law enforcement officials (called by the defense). The jury also got two days of highly charged and often vitriolic closing arguments from prosecutors and defense attorneys.
The six former members of the Police Department's Narcotics Field Unit are charged in a 26-count indictment with stealing more than $500,000 in cash, drugs and other valuables from narcotics dealers they had targeted and with fabricating police reports and arrest records to cover their crimes.
One of the defendants, veteran police officer Michael Spicer, testified for the defense. The other defendants are Thomas Liciardello, Brian Reynolds, Perry Betts, Linwood Norman and John Speiser.
Liciardello, the lead defendant, has been described by the prosecution as the officer calling the shots in what the government contends was a rogue unit. The 38-year-old son of a former police captain is the only defendant being held without bail. He has been in jail since the indictment came down back in July.
The prosecution has alleged that the defendants became bandits with badges, trampling on the rights of targeted drug dealers while pocking cash, drugs and jewelry during high profile arrests. The defense has conceded that the defendants were tough and sometimes abrasive as they worked the drug underworld, but the lawyers said again and again that was standard operating procedure. The six Narcotics Field Unit members were part of the front line in the war on drugs, they told the jury.
The jury deliberated for about four hours today. The panel will be back tomorrow at 9 a.m. to take up the case. The jurors began their deliberations by asking for a complete list of exhibits and evidence. Toward the end of the afternoon the panel sent out two notes asking for documents related to the last two counts in the indictment.
Count 26 was the only count that focused specifically on Speiser. In that count he is accused to falsifying a police report. He, like all six defendants, is also named in Count One which is the overarching racketeering charge at the heart of the case.
Count 25 dealt with a false report allegedly filed by Betts.
The questions led to speculation about the jury's deliberation process. Was the panel starting with the least significant defendants? Speiser was hardly mentioned at all by the government's witnesses and Betts' name was also seldom heard. Or was the panel starting from the back of the indictment and working forward, a process that would make a decision on Court One easier?
Speculation about jury deliberations is just that -- speculation. It's like trying to handicap a horse race.
Some of the defense camp have argued that a quick verdict, by tomorrow for example, would bode well for the defense. Other observers have predicted that simply based on the number of defendants and the number of counts, deliberations will spill into next week. The panel will not be held over this weekend because one member has a child graduating from college. But Judge Robreno has indicated that should deliberations continue through next week he will consider having the jurors work on Saturday and Sunday.
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," said one member of the defense camp who believes the lawyers in the case did a good job deconstructing the government's theory and undermining the credibility of the prosecution's witnesses.
Those in the prosecution camp had little to say, but appeared upbeat as deliberations began.
George Anastasia can be reached at George@bigtrial.net.
Prayers going up, so the BLESSINGS can come pouring down.....NOT GUILTY
ReplyDeleteMy favorite quote.
DeleteLike our Lord taking care of the good thief .
DeleteNOT GUILTY!!!!
ReplyDeleteLol lay them 6 suckers to bed. Send them ex dirty narcs up the river. They did the crime let em pay the time how i see it.
that might be how you see it but if you would have taken the time to READ it, the actual case. You would see that these are 6 innocent men. NOT GUILTY
DeleteFor those who have been on this site and have supported these innocent Police Officers, I thank you for your constant words of encouragement and support. I pray that the Jury does the right thing and find these brave men not guilty so that they may return to their families whole and try to rebuild their shattered lives. As Attorney James Binns said, they are truly Heroes. The actions of the Prosecutors, FBI Agents and the Philadelphia Police Department Sergeant assigned to this investigation/case have shown themselves and their tactics to be dishonorable, despicable, cowardly and corrupt. I pray that some day they will be held accountable for their illegal actions in persecuting these officers unjustifiably. There can be no excuse for their corrupt conduct and this case should place every decent man and woman in this country in fear of what our Federal Government and those WE pay through our tax dollars are capable and willing to do to innocent men and their families. This case has made a complete mockery of our justice system and because of it, many have and will lose faith in our system. To the Prosecutors, FBI Agents and the Philadelphia Police Sergeant involved in this case, you are guilty of unthinkable and horrendous crimes in this case for which you know in your hearts you have committed. I cannot imagine the evilness that you possess or what you must have been thinking during this entire so called investigation. Perhaps some day someone in your family will be persecuted and unjustly accused of crimes and have investigators as incompetent, immoral, unethical and corrupt as you when they are investigated. I'm sure this would not sit well with you if this was done to your loved one. You, Prosecutors, FBI Agents and Philadelphia Police Sergeant are all a disgrace to law enforcement and an embarrassment to yourselves, your families and your profession. Remember, in this life or the next, you will have to answer for what you have done to these innocent men and their families. You will not get a pass for what you have done!
ReplyDeleteWonderfully said, I think those of us who support these 6 men have enjoyed reading the constant words of encouragement as well as the families of these men and possibly even the men them selves.( I think we all also enjoyed de coding the Ebonics spoken by all of the junkie dealers only proving our points further that they are not credible and illerate) Now that the trial has come to an end we can only hope that the jury sees what most of the rest of us on here see. Prosecutors that were not interested in the truth, but instead interested in what they wanted to be the truth, what they wanted to be a win for their team, another notch on their belt. This was nothing but a game for them, to parade those sorry excuse for human beings up on that stand along with their "star whiteness" Walker. They made the federal government look like absolute incompetent fools for 8 weeks. The STAR witness in this case was hands down Officer Spicer, with his testimony alone I can not see a jury seeing anything but the truth in this case. These are 6 innocent men who deserve a lot more at this point then just getting their lives back.
DeleteSaying a prayer for you gentlemen tonight.
Hang in there, this is what you and all of the people in your corner have been waiting for
And for all you fellow jealous bottom feeders of the police department and junkie uneducated dealers, get your non sense shit talking in while you can, the men and women of the jury followed this case from start to finish, did not have a personal vendetta with these men, NO ONE who followed the details of this case would come to a Guilty Verdict.
Where's Largo and Sergeant Rum dumb ?
DeleteStop it please do you think for one minute , Philadelphia Police Sergeant made this story up . These Guys know what they did .Do not try to blame anybody else for doing honest Police work . They broke the thin blue line .They cross over to thug land . They are not the altar boys you think they are ,but they do need confession . They need to ask God to forgive them for all the people they hurt !!!!!!!!!!!
DeletePhila. Police Sergeant made this story up? you on the right page brother ?
Deletedo not try to blame anybody else for doing honest police work?
Deletewere not, were blaming the thugs and walker for trying to convict these men for doing just that, honest police work. Did you read your comment? Put Down The Pipe.
Deletedid you fall and break your head?
What is going on here how in the world can all these different accusers be wrong way before they where ever indicted use your head, people of all walks of life have had their lives turned upside down because of these greedy lawmen!
DeleteA mockery of the system, please I am one of the wrongfully accussed non drug dealer who they mixed up with someone else, and I've had the pleasure of having all 7 ex narcs in my home as they watched the boodock saints and searched continuously for hours coming up with nothing.
DeleteThen 6 hours later go get a warrant and lie under oath in court with tommy leading the pack. It is something I wish not on my worst enemy they are just what the prosecutors say they where a scourge to the city and all the good cops in Philly.
Unfortunately, we live in a world that is politically correct and the pressure on the DOJ carries over to US Attorneys when it comes to cops. Easier for US Attorneys to indict and then make up a case to ensure conviction or to hope the jury acquits them, thus taking it out of their hands. FBI and US Attorney not interested in the truth as told by police supervisors. Not guilty and send the cops home with families and a well deserved party tonight.
DeleteStop it those guys are as crooked as passyunk ave
ReplyDeletetick ,tock Mr. Bubba is waiting for Tommy and His gang . But when you guys get to Bubba land . You become Mr. Bubba Gang seniority rules guys . Don't worry you guys will get to play fun games with Mr. Bubba .
ReplyDeleteTell us about the things "Mr bubba" made you do to him while you were in jail. come on....we all wanna hear.
Take your pathetic gay ass annoying comments else where.
I'm Sorry tommy wouldn't let you sit with him at the lunch table, I can see why- you never shut the fuck up, and all that comes out of your mouth is shit.
Be nice MT Mr. Bubba will take of little Tommy . Don't worry little Tommy will do fine in Jail .
DeleteSome thing tells me you fantasize about a gang bang between this Mr bubba you speak of and tommy. Dont worrie youll be back in prison before ya know it, you can have mr bubba back~ except one piece of the puzzle wont be there. TOMMY~
DeleteNOT GUILTY!!!!!!!!
and i agree, you god damn comments are just annoying, and stupid. I assume much like you self.
Are you referring to Bubba the golfer who won two green jackets at the Masters?
DeleteYou guys stab Walker in the back .Pay backs are a bitch !!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNo one stabbed him in the back~ that idiot walker shot him self, right in the face.
DeleteStab Walker in the back are u kidding me? He is a lying pos. he gets caught doing dirty suit and wants to blame everyone else
Deletewalkers gonna stab him self after the feds lose the case and his princess deal gets taken off the table
ReplyDelete2-NOT GUILTY
M.T. did you ever play pass the salami ? I think you would be good at it .
ReplyDeletehe told me he played with you dad before.
Deletethis guys got a hard on for tommy.
Delete^^^ not sure why that posted there, i ment the guy who keeps posting about "little tommy" has a hard on for him.
DeleteI have, I prefer hide the salami instead...I love that game. Could I hide it in your mouth ? So that you'll shut the F*ck up.
DeletePraying for these 6 officers, i can not imagine anything but a NOT GUILTY verdict after this shit show of a trial.
Yes you can guilty !!!!!!!!!
DeleteRide home shotgun style with Philly SWAT Delta Force stormtroopers flanking you on I-95 with Harley Davidsons in front.
DeleteWho's mother was commenting at 8:42?
ReplyDeletewhy, because the words were to big for you to comprehend? you poor thing....Could someone do 9:25 a favor and read 8:42's comment to him. Nice and Slow...and draw pictures please.
DeleteWhat do you guys think of Commissioner Ramsey ? He said you Guys were the worst he saw in 40 years . M.T. what do you say about Ramsey calling Tommy and the gang the worst ?
DeleteI think he better start shinning their badges rather then burning them like he originally said.
DeleteI believe charles should step down after those comments he made of these innocent Gentlemen.
DeleteRamsey is referred to as Teddybear among those in the know. Not too muchmuch of a man.
DeleteWhen Little Tommy gets to jail M.T. please don't write Him . Mr. Bubba gets jealous .
ReplyDeleteNo ones laughing at your "little tommy" " mr bubba" comments, their just stupid. Clearly this case was a little to much for you to follow ( i can see why)
Delete9:27<<<< this guys got a hard on for tommy.
DeleteI heard Fat Johnny is going to run a Beef and beer night , So you guys can have money on the books .You will need a lot of Vaseline .
ReplyDeletestill no invite to his 600,000$ house?
DeleteReynolds is a pretty man. He has red hair and freckles cutie there. Can he be my cellie. I have cookies, candy bars, mary janes, oh you said he liked slim jims? Oh i can get him some if he protects me from my old cellie BIG B. Aka mr. Bubba. I cant wait to see Reynolds come to my jail. I mades his bed and got us new towels and wash rags. I even had the guards sneak me in scented candles. Mr Reynolds id strong man with muscles and he seems soooooo romantic oOooo chica papi mami sita Reynolds aAHhhhhhhhh
ReplyDeleteThe only guys going back is the snitch ---ga.s. you can toss there salad papi and bubba old meat but what the heck beats smacking your own pud .
Deleteyouve got a hard on for Tommy and Reynolds.
DeleteReynolds does not have red hair you dumb asshole, and they are going to be found NOT GUILTY!!! Case closed you stupid fucks
DeleteWell you pieces of shit drug dealers got problems when the jury comes back not guilty. Your deals go right out the window and your sreet cred goes too for turning on your peeps.Gonna be a busy summer for pay back my ---ga.s And you badge wearing Jealous pieces of shit will get yours too when those who officers who supported these 6 catch up with your clown asses.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with you and your familys. Keep your heads high you.ll be home soon
Shut the hell up hoe. Like we dont know you some stuck up chick. Go find a life!!!
DeleteWe all know thats a common dealer word for their baby mamas "hoe" sooooo with that being said it looks like someones a little nervous that JB hit the nail on the head, someones not getting their civil suit money booooooo whooooooooo :(
Deletehaha 10:41 thinks JB is a girl because JB wrote in full sentences and spelled all of the words right, You know his N*gg*s cant write like that homie.
DeleteThat hoe be ya mama and your baby mama see we rooting for a NOTS GUILTYS ACROSS THE BOARDS ---GA Ahhhhhh ightttt! !!
DeleteHey crazy man, Napoleon complex,shorty Thomas L.when you get the Lewisburg federal penitentiary, can you tell my friends up there I said hi, 10 years was enough for me, I lost everything but the most important thing I lost was my family. all the money the government took off me didn't mean nothing, compared to losing your family. I will say a prayer for you, because I could not wish this on my worst enemy what you're going to go through in the next 10 years or more, I will say a prayer
ReplyDeletesay a prayer that when he gets his job back he doesnt lock you up again.
DeleteThat's what happens when you sell drugs and get caught you can't blame anyone but yourself
DeleteTommy can have complex he wants, he is doing his job to get scum and drugs off the streets
DeleteI Agree, They Are Definitely Crooked Cops. & Hopefully The Justice System Will Finally Put Those Guys Where They Belong! Behind Bars!
DeleteYall racists crackers bro. Thats all im sayn honkies. Kiss my black ass 2 good nite and good riddins tk yall klu klux assses. This city dont need yall guilty by reason of guilty
ReplyDeleteLOL! can you call someone racist while using a racist slurr right after?
Delete.........oh thats right i forgot "you guys" can do what ever you want and its all good in the hood. "Guilty by reason of Guilty."....ohhhh and your smart too! how cute!
Was only a matter of time before your black asses played the race card. Its all good when your running down someones family and kids and wishing bad things on others. Someone says it like it is and you boys feel were all racist now. Grow the fuck up. You guys made a deal with the Government turned your buddys in were to stupid to remember what you rehearsed so you lied and got caught and now you see how really fucked you are . After the Not Guilty verdict comes these agents and US attorneys don.t want you aruond for the back lash. So its off to jail you go forgotten again for the stupid mistakes and deals you made. So let.s blame cracker when deep down you all know the only person to blame is the ---ga looking back at you in the mirror if you have one. Lol
DeleteJB, Amen!
DeleteWho.s your Daddy now come on you can say it. CRACKER WOOOO YOU DUMB BLACK FUCKS . You wanted to dance with the Devil and he busted your asses again. No more deals now Just time to contemplate and blame CRACKER on why your FUCKED AGAIN. An old timer told me yrs ago blacks were put on earth to entertain the white man well he.s dead now. I nevere believed that. But these last seven wks of comments and these ones tonite he might just have been right.
DeleteI for one can't wait until this is over, then we'll see if you pussies that make your tough guy comments have the balls to back it up. I vote that you remain cowards hiding behind your keyboards while yelling for your mom to bring you your meatloaf. I know the anonymous will be stripped from my posts, can you cowards do the same? I highly doubt it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a good morning! Who's ready for a Not Guilty Verdict on this fine Friday!?! Have these fellas home to their family's by dinner!
ReplyDeleteM.T we are all ready, I'm praying for these guys and their families. I don't think anyone in their right mind can say Guilty !!!!
DeleteI hope it's not guilty!!
DeleteIm hoping todays the day they come home free men. Anything yet George.
DeleteHope these officers are found not guilty and equally hope that the racism expressed on this blog page is not a part of the city i live in Phila. Because white or black every person has his/ her right to opinion.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous i try to keep it clean but im not gonna apologize for my remarks. Its been 7 wks if they wanna act the part then they.ll be treated as so. That hate shit gets real old quick i just had enough. You can.t educate those who wear blinders
DeleteLets just pray for some on this page JB and pray for these 6 good police officers to go home to their loved ones. Let God deal with the ignorant and uneducated. Have a nice day
DeleteHey this isnt no holy mugga fuggin holiday. Yall 2 need to go on a dam dinner date. All this public effection shit. Dam you to lady whoever you be. Im black and proud.....BLACK POWER BLACK POWER TO THE PEOPLE. Down with them racist cops. Put tney asses unda the jail let the worms have them i dont give 2 cohoots and thats HOOTS Wit a capiTal Tee!!!!!!
DeleteAnonymous 1:15pm, you sound like a dumb fuck, no other words for you. Get a real job and stay the hell out of jail every other month, a bunch of god damn losers. I pray for people like you. Let's go Team Blue-NOT GUILTY !!!
DeleteDoes anyone have the Ebonics dictionary; Ghetto edition I can borrow so I can figure out what 1;15 is saying.
DeleteM.T LOL, a real idiot that must be. Can we say Ghetto. Whheewww, I'm sick of these losers
DeleteAnonymous 1.12 well put JB
Delete"There is no nice way to arrest a potentially dangerous, combative suspect. The police are our bodyguards; our hired fists, batons and guns. We pay them to do the dirty work of protecting us. The work we're too afraid, too unskilled, or too civilized to do ourselves. We expect them to keep the bad guys our of our businesses, out of our cars, out of our homes and out of our faces. We just don't want to see how it's done."
ReplyDeleteWell said, I agree.
DeleteWell, If "The Way Its Done" Takes Breaking The Law... Then, They Should Be Treated Like Everyone Else Who Breaks The Law.... Or Am I Missing Something?
DeleteIs that the same JB who wanted abusive priests and the pimp Lynn set free ? SHUT UP before you jinx the outcome for these innocent cops.
ReplyDeleteIt's looking like Monday fellas! A little dissipointing that they would not start the weekend knowing they are free men and can move on from this! How ever it's a heck of a way to start a week!
ReplyDeleteMonday-- Not Gulity Verdict is headed our way!!
Hang in there this weekend boys! Prayers prayers and more prayers!
I am a Muslim I was stop by Lt .Liciardello ,He insulted the Prophet . When I ask why He said that .He said He said profit .He said I look like a drug dealer . I knew someday ALLAH WOULD GET THEM !!!
ReplyDeleteOne could thing Mr. Bubba is a CHRISTAN !!!!!!
Deleteat least little tommy will get to rest on Sunday .
DeleteOnly a in your dreams .Guilty GUILTY GUILTY .
ReplyDeleteeven if the jury don't say it you all know it's true.
They are done as cops .Maybe Fat Johnny can get them down at His camp ground . They can use His golf cart and patrol the grounds
DeleteWalker was the rogue cop . according to Lt Largo and Sergeant Rum Dum . The rest of the squad was working with the sister of the poor .
ReplyDeleteWhat were they doing robbing the poor box .
DeleteThey got Tommy L nailed
ReplyDeleteMan I can't wait until Justice is served and these officers get found GUILTY. They are the definition of hypocrites, and now its time for the to pay the toll. If Walker is a snitch then that means he is snitching on his fellow criminals, not lying, that is what is so scary about this case, everyone knows that these six excuses for men did this crime but Walker is the bad ojne for snitching, not lying or making anything up, but he is an evil person cause he snitched on a fellow cop. Police stick together I get it, but when is enough enough, I mean will they ever call each other out for their pathetic behavior. I mean just look at taht tape in S.C where the cop killed the black guy for no reason, the other (black ) cops helped him hide what happened immediately without asking any questions, are all Police SHEEPS? Please help us from these evil police, I always thought the police would help protect us, but now I am starting to believe that they will never protect us from their own and I am scared for the future.