No more blackjack for Joey.
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ReplyDeleteFaffy almost out!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSkinny Drop $15,000 And Can't Go Back In The Casino. Lol!!! Moron!!! He Better Stay In Florida.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJoey Doesn't Get It He's Asking For More Trouble! Passyunk Avenue Days Are Over!!! He Better Go Get A Job!
ReplyDeleteHey Danielle It's Ok When They Call Fox News To Doo A Story ! That Their Back!. What A JOKE!!! Theses Morons Are!!!
ReplyDeleteFor a free dinner, Joe Biden, had Joey taken off the " no fly list."
ReplyDeleteJust because he carries the Koran and mumbles alu akbar when he gets blackjack, doesn't make him a threat.
He should sue for profiling him.
Joey is Joey and he.s not gonna cange why u think he.s up here the envolopes must of got lost going to Fla. Bottom line its nit his money anyway. So if he needs more he.ll go see Motto or Vinnie either way he.s getting his and thats that Lol.
ReplyDeletePhil hates everyone
ReplyDeleteThese Morons Got No Money!!!!! Stop Kidding Your Self!!!!
ReplyDeletePhil Open His Steak Shop Yet?? I Heard He Ran Out Of Money! 3 Years Ago Phil Was Looking For Money.
ReplyDeleteMerlino Don't Know How To Play Black Jack! A Hole!
ReplyDeleteStevie is the Man....loyal UB
ReplyDeleteDoes Skinny Know Stevie Is A Rat???
ReplyDeleteCan't Wait Till I Eat A Phil Narducci Cheese Steak!!! Lol
ReplyDeleteStevie A Rat??? WOW!!!
ReplyDeleteWho Cares About Theses Assholes!!!
ReplyDeleteJoey is the man..Stevie is the Man ...freckles is suspect $$$
ReplyDeleteIs Uncle Joe this yr living the life down the Shore eating lobsters steaks and sausage from Castles having a few brewskies . Does.nt get any better than that. Beats blowing it at the tables.
ReplyDeleteWho's With Phil Narducci ???
ReplyDeleteRico charges coming soon.....these bozos are finished!!!! ..nothing but a rat thang baybay !!!
ReplyDeleteIf the FBI investigated the Mob in the same manner they concluded their work on Clinton, there would never had been a conviction.
ReplyDeleteClearly the Clinton Mafia has corrupted the legal system.
Of course, GA would never pursue that set of circumstances.
Faffy iannarella will be out tomorrow. ..now that's a true G...double o.g as a matter if fact.. the mofo did many yrs in prison and kept his mouth shut..they don't make them like that no more
ReplyDeleteNo more NOTHING for Skinny Twig. Black Jack is the lease of his worriez. INDICTMENT. coming soon.R I C O Is on the Horizon. There's a new Man in town and it's sure not the Man on his side. He will make sure the murder chargers will stick this time around. Party hard Twig this will be your last summer
ReplyDeleteDid he burn all his bridges in fla???
ReplyDeleteFaffy is now out !!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe RATFELLAS!!! Are Going Too Jail!! Again.
ReplyDeleteNew Philly mob war coming soon??? Alot of the scarfo boys are out now..I doubt they want anything to do with these bunch of jerkoffs!!!
ReplyDeleteGangsta gangsta studio gangsta !!!!
ReplyDeleteWest side !!!!
ReplyDeleteWangsters Lol
ReplyDeleteThese boys will be here for a while. I remember when all u anonymous especially thought Tony nicks was gonna talk and so far he.s been stand up. As for Rico indictments in this business u stay long enough u get swooped up the nature of the beast. But for u anonymous especially looking to get satisfaction for ur wannabe relatives who wanted to play gangster and got killed not gonna happen. All joey guys except for Lance were aquitted therefore can.t be tried for them murders again. The other 3 were on uncle Joes watch and he.s not gonna talk. So wish in one hand shit in the other see Which one gets filled first. I do agree trouble is a coming and my. bets on Boy Borgesi to stir that pot
ReplyDeleteSalvie Testa was the last of the real gangsters in Philly.
ReplyDeleteNah its the faffy one,just got out after doing heavy time..he solid as a rock
DeleteJoey is back...did everyone pay there taxes???????????? $$$$$
ReplyDeleteHey Anthony They Where Not Found Not Guilty! They Where Found Not Proving! Which Means That They Can Still Be In Inditments Coming Again!!!!!
ReplyDeletewhat taxes!!!!!! joey can't even pay is tap at stogie joes!!! these assholes!!! are broke!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteEvil ass Eastside !!!!
ReplyDeletemore than half of the people.commenting wouldnt say nothing to.any of these guys if they seen them,not one of them are rats nor are the broke unless you know the truth keep your mouth shut.