Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Mob Talk Sitdown: A Mistrial In The Merlino Case

In the latest episode of Mob Talk Sitdown, veteran crime journalists George Anastasia and Dave Schratwieser have the latest on Philadelphia Mob Boss Joey Merlino.

He dodged another bullet in federal court on Tuesday when a jury failed to reach a verdict on gambling and healthcare fraud charges after a three-week trial. A mistrial was declared. So where does that leave the 55-year-old gangster?


  1. Murder Rico indictments are coming next here in Philadelphia!

  2. thank God for an honest jury

  3. This clown better stay out of Philly!!

  4. Phil Narrducci is the new boss!

  5. Joey for pres!!!!!! Nothing but a G Thang baby !!!!!!

  6. What’s faffy up to?? Now that’s a real G !!

  7. He shook all of you haters down and now you come on here and talk. Wouldn’t say a peep to him in person. Pathetic

  8. I hear that Phil Narducci has the backing of New York.


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