Monday, January 27, 2020

District Attorney's Lawlessness Sparks Citizen Revolt

By Ralph Cipriano

The citizens' revolt against the lawlessness of District Attorney Larry Krasner has begun.

At 6:30 p.m., on Wednesday, Jan. 29th, at the gym at St. Monica's Church in South Philly, 16th and Shunk, the Girard Estate Area Residents are hosting an anti-crime rally. A host of other South Philly community groups are participating, as are the local police captain, City Councilman Kenyatta Johnson, and state Rep. Maria Donatucci.

Residents have also invited the mayor, the D.A., the state attorney general, the U.S. Attorney, and the police commissioner. But nobody thinks the D.A. has the balls to show. Ditto for our left-wing mayor, who was busy campaigning in New Hampshire on behalf of Democratic presidential candidate Liz Warren, and may have forgotten where St. Monica's is located.

Why are the citizens revolting? "We are fed up with rising crime," the notice for the meeting says. "There has been a rash of increasing violent crime in our area that must stop. We are afraid to leave our homes and walk outside."

"Thanks to our Police many of the major assailants have been caught and charged. However, as our police continue to arrest criminals, our District Attorney, Larry Krasner, let's them go! This pattern of putting criminals back on the street is putting our lies in grave danger . . . We aren't going to take it anymore. We are fighting back. This is OUR neighborhood and OUR city. We need the people at the top to follow the oath they took not enact their own personal agendas!!!"

The organizer of the anti-Krasner rally is Jody Della Barba, who used to be former Mayor Frank Rizzo's secretary. She appeared on the most recent episode of Search Warrant, the cop-sponsored podcast, to explain the deteriorating conditions in South Philly.

"People are scared to death, they're scared to walk out of their house. There have been robberies galore," she said. "It's just been out of control."

One of the most recent murders, she said, was committed by a murderer that Krasner previously let out of jail. A missing local woman was also found murdered in the basement of a suspicious home where human trafficking may have been going on.

But in a city where the D.A. has basically legalized prostitution, as well as drug use and drug sales, along with retail theft, crime is thriving, thanks to "Uncle Larry," the D.A. who's a criminal's best friend.

"We have a mayor who doesn't care either," Della Barba said. "He was just in New Hampshire campaigning while the city is burning," agreed podcast host John Snedden, a former NCIS special agent.

"You take an oath to protect our city, you should be down here," Della Barba said. "The only thing the mayor does for us is raise our taxes."

When Snedden asked about the D.A.'s adversary relationships with the state attorney general and U.S. Attorney, Della Barba replied, "Krasner gets along with criminals."

"It's almost like he's running a criminal enterprise," Snedden said.

At the end of the podcast, Snedden asked Della Barba if Rizzo was still alive, how he would be dealing with Krasner.

"He would be blasting him 24-7," she said. "He was the original Donald Trump."

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